I am really confused.

I am using MXToolBox and the SMTP tool.
I get the below results:

220-nachodevice.imcu.local ESMTPIronport Success
 Not an open relay.
 0 seconds - Good on Connection time
 0.546 seconds - Good on Transaction time
 OK - resolves to 03030611n4m055.imcu.local
 OK - Reverse DNS matches SMTP Banner
Session Transcript:
HELO please-read-policy.mxtoolbox.com 
250 nachodevice.imcu.local [16 ms] 
MAIL FROM: <supert...@mxtoolbox.com> 
250 sender <supert...@mxtoolbox.com> ok [31 ms] 
RCPT TO: <t...@example.com> 
550 #5.1.0 Address rejected. [31 ms] 
221 nachodevice.imcu.local [47 ms] 

The nachdevice.imcu.local is my ironport, I get that
The 03030611n4m055.imcu.local is my Exchange server, on the internal
side of the firewall.  I have an mx record for the ironport's external
I do not know why the 0303... name is being published to the world??
Any ideas??

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