We are in an SMB environment of roughly 60 servers and 1000 hosts, including
Server 2003, 2008, SBS2003, SBS2008, XP Pro SP3, Windows 7, and Vista
workstations. Sophos Endpoint Security along with PureMessaging, and Vipre
Enterprise Premium along with Vipre Email Security are being put to the test


We are staunch fans of Sunbelt Software.  Our experiences with Vipre Email
Security (much improved over Ninja) has been great over the years.  For over
10-years we have placed our trust in Trend Micro, something that has
deteriorated slowly over the past 24-months.  In any event, we are hoping
that our published comparisons will meet objectivity, and help to give
reassurance to future Vipre users regardless of the decisions we ultimately


The Sunbelt 'NT System Admin Issues' forum has been a great help, dating
back to April, more specifically.


4/01/2010 Subject: Enterprise Anti-Virus, rz...@qwest.net

4/21/2010 Subject: Sophos vs. Vipre Enterprise, jholmg...@xlhealth.com

5/06/2010 Subject: NOD32 Antivirus, jda...@asmail.ucdavis.edu

5/09/2010 Subject: Life just keeps getting better...., kurt.b...@gmail.com

7/29/2010 Subject: Vipre effectiveness & false positives,


1) Installation / Deployment

Server installs both went smooth.  In deployment Sophos had few if any
issues. Viper deployment to server required countless exclusions (painfully
so). in fact when our server crashed, we were told that a few exclusions
were missing (Agh!). Viper deployment to host on two systems came with MANY
surprises. The Vipre agent loaded a "NDIS IM" element in the TCPIP stack,
causing CISCO (IPSec) clients to connect. oddly not allowing us to remote
TS, Dameware, and other remote applications. SonicWall VPN clients remained
unaffected. Vipre even caused slowness, freezing during printing,
multi-tasking, and issues with Adobe Acrobat. Some of these issues we just
gave up on attempting to resolve and disabled the firewall entirely. When a
MSP firm cannot remote access.this is serious!! We couldn't get support soon
enough. and unfortunately cases remain open 4-5 days after the fact. Vipre
left our accounting department, using a PSA software (ConnectWise), locked
out for an entire day.


2) Post Installation

Sophos agent with firewall was documented as utilizing up to 150+ MB of RAM
(enormous). we were told, ".the price you pay for good protection".  We were
not comforted, despite this fact the users never complained about slower
speeds.  Vipre utilized a fraction of this, maybe 7 MB. albeit given the
deployment issues (above) we remain unimpressed by any benefit there might
be. Sophos comes along with definitions updated hourly, Vipre (so we are
told) is heading in this direction too. Vipre currently is defaulted to
update every 3-hours, and that default can be changed (.the value??). 


3) 24-hour Enterprise support

Vipre Enterprise technicians we found were skilled, sadly they are scantily
available on weekend (evenings).

Sophos Endpoint Security we found were equally skilled and *always*
available.  Despite not having a "Premium" support agreement, we found
Sophos enthusiastic when it came to remote access (LogMeIn). If (in the rare
occasion) Vipre was asked to remote, remote was either unavailable or they
were flat out reluctant. Vipre on several occasions seemed overwhelmed.
Sophos *never* gave us that feeling.


4) Additional Items

Sophos PureMessaging (SPAM filter) catches SPAM well (notice we didn't say
unsolicited advertisements). If you differentiate (most do) between the two
you will NOT enjoy PureMessaging. Additionally with PureMessaging each
account receives email called "spam digest", there are options to either
Delete or Deliver.  In either event chosen, this is a singular event. it
does NOT automatically allow or block these addresses on a going forward
basis. It's impossible meeting the demands of users wanting NOT to receive
Golf Digest solicitations, eBay, Amazon, LL Bean, Victoria Secrets (no
joke!), all that legitimate stuff that gets overwhelming. Ah. then there's
Vipre Email Security!!!  If *anything* unwanted makes it to the Inbox (a
rare occasion), the individual users can manage without support.  More
systems like this create nearly passive income for us.


Vipre has agent (not definition) updates. These agent updates require
reboots. can you imagine 200 users rebooting their workstations for
updates?? We cannot, and furthermore in the 6 long weeks we have been in
proof-of-concept, Sophos has never needed an agent reboot. not even
following deployment (Nice!)


We invite your comments and encourage you to make the same comparisons and
let us know your results.

If we are wrong on any account. or seem less than objective, please let us
know.  We are expecting this thread will live for quite awhile. and Alex
will have a lot to say. Turning down Vipre Enterprise (Sunbelt Software)
hurts, especially understanding the culture of the company. the best of the
best, "the American way", etc.

I personally wanted to see Vipre getting our stamp of approval.sadly I
didn't get my way this time.  -Jeff





~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~ <http://www.sunbeltsoftware.com/Business/VIPRE-Enterprise/>  ~

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