The administrative unit of my department is being merged with another.
What that means is, the IT, purchasing and secretarial staff are all
going to be under the same management and will need to be able to share
files.    The rest of the departments (faculty and research staff)
remain distinct.  The two departments are on separate subnets and have
their own single domain 2003 AD forests.  The faculty and their staff
have little need to communicate with people in the other department
although they may have some need to share with the single administrative
unit that services both departments.  So, the main goal is to get the
administrative people in a position where it is easy for them to share
documents back and forth.  Of secondary importance is for people in the
two departments to share with the single administrative unit.  What
options do I have to do this?


One option would be to move all the administrative people to the same
domain.  That's fairly simple and accomplishes the first goal enabling
sharing between administrative people.  It does not accomplish the
secondary goal of making it possible for people in both departments to
share with the admin unit.


Is there an inter-forest trust that could be set up?  Keeping in mind
that both domains are on separate subnets, how would I go about setting
us such a trust?


What about merging the domains?  That seems like it would be a huge job.


Are there other approaches?


Note: Each domain has about 300 computers in it (600 total).  Each
administrative unit has about 10 computers/users (20 total).


Thanks for your suggestions.



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