Had this really been about sales/marketing, of course I would recommend a
3rd party delivery.

But it's not.  In case you missed it, it's about sending weekly status to
customers who ask for it.  They currently do this with Outlook and a DL.
I'm pushing Groupman to get past the DL-membership limit in Outlook
pre-2007SP2 and so customers can self-remove if they want.  Constant Contact
has been mentioned as an alternative, but paying $180/yr to do what they now
do for free is a tough sell.

Can't believe nobody in this large crowd has ever tried Groupman though.  I
guess if I get the opportunity I'll try to post back to let everybody know
how it went.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Aldrich [mailto:jaldr...@blueridgecarpet.com] 
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 8:52 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Free/cheap mailing list software - feedback on Groupman?

Yeah... Black-listing is a good reason to let someone else do your
mass-mailing for you. Also, would be a good idea to get confirmation from
those that you are going to be sending regular mailings to that they are
willing to accept those regular mailings, otherwise, you'll start getting
spam complaints. Even with confirmation, you'll probably get spam
complaints, but at least with confirmed opt-in, you can point to their
authorization to keep out of trouble. :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Angus Scott-Fleming [mailto:angu...@geoapps.com] 
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 2:08 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Free/cheap mailing list software - feedback on Groupman?

On 30 Sep 2010 at 15:25, Carl Houseman  wrote:  

>     Well... I want to install the solution on an SBS 2003 server.I wonder
> how Mercury and Exchange would get along? (!) Yeah, I think NOT having a
> built-in mail server is a plus for this situation. 

You didn't mention that in the original mail.  You could easily run Mercury
a VM.

>     Not to mention it's $25 more expensive than Groupman. That might break
> the bank. :) But thanks for the suggestion. Carl 

I would agree with the other commenters that you risk a large expense if
IP gets blacklisted.

Angus Scott-Fleming
GeoApps, Tucson, Arizona
Security Blog: http://geoapps.com/

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