NIST has downloadable ISOs of hashes for whitelists:

That ought to help a great deal...

On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 18:01, Marc Maiffret <> wrote:
> Apologies in advanced for the stream of conscious flow of this email as I am
> pressed for time.
> The way systems are being compromised right now really comes from one of two
> main ways:
> 1.       The “fake av” problem – This is along the lines of what you
> described below. A user is convinced to run code in a way that is completely
> legitimate. I.E. The user runs an executable from their web browser without
> the attacker leveraging a software based vulnerability. This is a common
> problem especially as it relates to the various fake anti-virus software out
> there. In this case whitelisting would help as the only thing going on here,
> typically, is a malicious executable being launched via a web browser.
> 2.       Software vulnerabilities – This is different and a much bigger
> problem than the first. In this case, which I believe to be more common,
> users do not have to do anything but simply view a website and once viewing
> a website there is attack code which will leverage an unpatched/unknown
> vulnerability within some software on that machine
> (IE,FireFox,Reader,Java,Flash,Quicktime,etc…). A lot of these attacks are
> being delivered through completely legitimate websites through malicious
> advertisements or hackers using SEO methods to have their malicious website
> show up in “legitimate” Google search results.
> We see the second case happening even more often because it is so simple and
> reliable. In the second case since your leveraging a vulnerability in a
> known good application it means your now executing code (in the case of a
> buffer overflow) within that known good applications process space which
> means your part of the good white list and can do what you please. So unlike
> today where typically you would start executing code within Adobe Reader
> just enough to download somemalware.exe and execute it. You would have an
> intermediary step to either a) Have your malicious code that executes within
> Adobe Reader kill what process control security software is running (i.e.
> kill bit9) and then execute your malware just as normal b) Make yourself
> persistent on the system in one of a number of ways that do not actually
> require an executable. Think Operation Aurora and it using a services.dll
> style to backdoor the system which means your now just a .dll running within
> svchost.exe which is a process that has to be white listed. Or you’re a .dll
> running within rundll32.exe which is also white listed. Now the good guys
> become required to also white list control all .dll’s and if you thought
> trying to manage what processes you should or should not be running was hard
> with just executables it becomes a nightmare, i.e. an IT time sink, to do it
> for every .dll. And then of course the .dll example I gave is just the
> simple bypass, there are more sophisticated things that again raise the bar
> to make whitelisting worthless pretty fast.
> So is whitelisting not worth it at all? I.E. Should you not look into a
> whitelisting solution or an endpoint security solution that has whitelisting
> as a component? No, I would not go that far, I think some level of process
> control can be helpful but as a feature of a good endpoint solution rather
> than an entire solution itself. For example in the endpoint security product
> I help create we use process execution control but rather than trying to
> figure out all that you should and should not be white listing we are
> controlling known good behavior around the more commonly attacked
> applications (web browser, office, adobe, etc…) Then we fill in the white
> listing gaps by doing in process memory monitoring to more generically
> prevent exploits that are actually leveraging the more common classes of
> application vulnerabilities such as buffer overflow attacks etc so that when
> an attacker goes to initially execute malicious code within Adobe we deny
> that from happening in the first place which means we don’t have to worry
> about the after fact of trying to control processes and other things that
> become a losing battle.
> I forget if it is this week’s VEF or the next one that one of my researchers
> is covering some data we dug up on most common locations for malware to
> reside on a system etc…
> -Marc
> From: Crawford, Scott []
> Sent: Monday, February 07, 2011 1:54 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Intel developing security 'game-changer'
> Well stated.
> Do you have any opinion on the volume of malware we’d see in a strictly
> white-list environment as opposed to a strictly black-list environment?
> Right now, the “vulnerability” is predominately the user who can be
> convinced to run code to see the dancing pigs. It seems that white-listing
> effectively plugs that hole, but then we’d move on to vulnerabilities in
> executables. So, I guess the question becomes “Does code written by God have
> more vulnerabilities than code written by nerds?”
> From: Marc Maiffret []
> Sent: Monday, February 07, 2011 2:24 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Intel developing security 'game-changer'
> “AV today never addresses the known app that has the vulnerability, but
> rather the separate malware executable that it spawns”
> Never a more true statement than that. If people spent half the time they do
> talking and worrying about threats as they did managing the root of the
> problem, vulnerabilities, they would be far better off.
> Black/white listing is so easily bypassed it has a small half-life of being
> effective. I.E. If everyone used such technology tomorrow then
> exploits/malware would be very easily updated to bypass it. You can find a
> great example of what the world would look like in the case of executable
> control based on what happens with iPhones and the app store. That is a
> great example of strict application code down to a code signing and related
> level etc… Again the problem though is legitimate applications having
> unpatched/unknown (zeroday) vulnerabilities. Case in point was one of the
> more recent iPhone “jail break” techniques which was in reality an exploit
> for a PDF vulnerability within iPhone that was leveraged for lower level
> access and eventually the rooting of the device etc… Appstore/appcontrol/etc
> all go out the window in these scenarios.
> Executable control is still in the threat prevention category and as such it
> just requires an evolution of the threat to become as useless as AV is these
> days.
> I am obviously biased in believing that vulnerabilities are one of the most
> important things to focus on as that is the sort of security technology I
> help make for a living. That being said though when I founded eEye over 13
> years ago I was coming directly from a place of having been a teenage hacker
> with hands on experience in exactly how systems are compromised. It was as
> clear to me then as it is still to me now that so long as your chasing the
> next threat you will never see much success.
> And while on the topic I encourage you guys to join eEye’s free
> Vulnerability Expert Forum which is a live webinar with myself and eEye
> research discussing the new vulnerabilities from Patch Tuesday, outstanding
> zeroday, and other generally interesting things happening in IT security and
> research.
> -Marc
> Signed,
> Marc Maiffret
> Founder/CTO
> eEye Digital Security
> SC Magazine vulnerability management review:
> From: Andrew S. Baker []
> Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2011 6:51 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: Intel developing security 'game-changer'
>>>It sounds like we agree for the most part.
> It seems clear to me from your responses that we really don't.
>>>Again, my response was intended toward MBS’s comment and others like it.
> Like mine, since I actually agree with the statement that MBS made.
>>>As long as we agree that that we’ll still need blacklists in a whitelist
>>> environment, I have no issue.
> We disagree, because if you only allow, say, 4 things to run, how does it
> help you to have a separate list of, say, 50 things that you don't want to
> have running?
> You keep arguing the point of the infiltration of a whitelisted app, without
> properly addressing how this infiltration would look like operationally.
>  (AV today never addresses the known app that has the vulnerability, but
> rather the separate malware executable that it spawns)
> -- If ACROBAT.EXE is suddenly a bad app, then how are you more protected by
> a blacklist than a whitelist in a zero-day scenario?
> -- If Off The Shelf App has a vulnerability that allows an attacker to spawn
> MyOwnBadApp.exe on a remote system, then how are you more protected by a
> blacklist than a whitelist in a zero-day scenario?
> -- If NEWNAME.EXE is released into the wild, and copied to your network by a
> VPN user, then how are you more protected by a blacklist than a whitelist in
> a zero-day scenario?
> Whitelists are going to have to become THE preferred mechanism for much of
> desktop security[1], or we will be forever behind the curve with malware,
> getting hit by more and more zero-day executables, and subjecting ourselves
> to an ever increasing number of self-inflicted denial of service attacks by
> hastily QA'd malware definition signatures.  As these points are detailed in
> my previously linked blog post, I need not elaborate on them again here.
> It seems that we will simply have to agree to disagree.
> ASB (Find me online via About.Me)
> Exploiting Technology for Business Advantage...
> [1] This is outside of anomaly behavior detection mechanisms -- we're simply
> discussing whitelisting vs blacklisting here
> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 8:04 PM, Crawford, Scott <>
> wrote:
> Sorry, for the slow response, I missed your reply while replying to Kurt.
> It sounds like we agree for the most part. Again, my response was intended
> toward MBS’s comment and others like it. As long as we agree that that we’ll
> still need blacklists in a whitelist environment, I have no issue.
> Even if it takes the signature writers a mere 24 hours to:
> figure out all the combinations of "bad bits"
> test and validate the fix
> make the fix available to their distribution mechanisms
> get your systems to pick them up
> That's still a long time for a zero-day infection to do its work. And,
> having worked with a number of AV vendors on zero-day scenarios, 2-3 days is
> not unreasonable for reverse engineering a good exploit.
> Where does that leave your systems which are only relying on a list of bad
> things to block?
> In a very bad state indeed. But remember, I’m not suggesting that system
> rely ONLY on a list of bad things to block.
> A friend recently suggested an analogy.
> Most people treat their homes as a whitelist environment. A relatively small
> number of people on Earth are welcome – family, friends, and the occasional
> supermodel J. But, after I let my brother in the front door, I’m still going
> to kick him out if he starts tracking mud all over my carpet. He’s
> white-listed, but the mud is blacklisted.
> From: Andrew S. Baker []
> Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 2:47 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: Intel developing security 'game-changer'
> Scott,
> Your response points out things that I already pointed out in my response.
>  Yes, there are specific scenarios where whitelisting does not prevent an
> attack. Even then, it still affords additional opportunities to mitigate
> exploitation of the vulnerability. Additionally, there are many other
> scenarios where whitelisting addresses a weakness of blacklisting.
> So you still come out ahead. Please note my comments about vendor
> facilitation of granular feature control to mitigate the types of problems
> that you are focusing on.
> Now, let's look at how the vulnerabilities you mention are actually
> exploited.
> By getting someone to open up a specially crafted data file (via web, email,
> file share, etc), you can cause the primary application to spawn your
> executable (which is hidden in the "data" file) -- typically with all the
> rights of the spawning app.
> Now, depending on how such an application is initiated, it may not spawn as
> a child process, but as its own process. If it spawns as a child process,
> then whitelisting may or may not help. But, as its own process, it would
> fail to be initiated -- even in a zero day scenario for which no signatures
> exist.
> Even if this is only in 50% of the zero-day situations, you're still
> protected to a much greater degree than via signatures alone.
>>>Antimalware signatures are generally produced much more rapidly than an
>>> application patch. So, while a zero day flaw may take a week (optimistic) to
>>> patch, the AV vendors could be blocking all .txt files containing the
>>> offending string of bits.
> Which doesn't take into account all the effort that malware writers put into
> their "work" to ensure that offending string of bits is obfuscated.
> Even if it takes the signature writers a mere 24 hours to:
> figure out all the combinations of "bad bits"
> test and validate the fix
> make the fix available to their distribution mechanisms
> get your systems to pick them up
> That's still a long time for a zero-day infection to do its work. And,
> having worked with a number of AV vendors on zero-day scenarios, 2-3 days is
> not unreasonable for reverse engineering a good exploit.
> Where does that leave your systems which are only relying on a list of bad
> things to block?
>>>Agreed for the time being. But, if we were to flip a magic switch and swap
>>> to a predominantly white-list based environment, the most common
>>> exploitation vectors would switch to exploiting white-listed .exes through
>>> buffer overflows or other methods of tricking an .exe to doing more than
>>> displaying data in a data file.
> I'm not sure where you have gotten this idea that buffer overflow and
> "executable" data exploits involve making the parent application do new
> tricks. All they do is get the parent application to run new code of the
> attackers choice, and in many cases, that code is subject to running in its
> own environment -- thus, blockable in a whitelisting scenario.
> I've experienced several examples of this during my testing of what later
> became Cisco's CSA product, and eEye's Blink!
> Here's a good article to read:
> ASB (My Bio via About.Me)
> Exploiting Technology for Business Advantage...
> From: Crawford, Scott []
> Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 6:12 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Intel developing security 'game-changer'
> Inline, but here’s some opening comments J
> White-listing .exes does nothing to stop attacks like .wmf and .jpg
> vulnerabilities below.
> While these may be currently patched and/or low risk, I think they server to
> illustrate my point. Note that AV signatures detect the badness in them
> before Microsoft patched the offending executable. Also note that under all
> but the most restrictive white-listing campaign, the code that processes
> .wmf and .jpg would be allowed.
> Again, please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying white-listing is
> without its advantages. I’m simply saying that it’s not a solution to stop
> malware. Impair it? Yes. Stop some of it? Yes. But, the primary reason it
> stops some and even most current malware is because it’s not very popular
> yet.
> From: Andrew S. Baker []
> Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 2:47 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: Intel developing security 'game-changer'
>>>There are MORE good files that I want to use than bad that I want to
>>> block.
> Except that most of those good files won't get executed if you stop a more
> limited number of other executables from launching.
> My concern is infected data files that are associated with a white-listed
> .exe.
> You don't necessarily have to track every version of every known DLL that
> might ever get executed, if you can simply track the far more limited number
> of executables that would spawn them.
> Understood
> It would appear that you're looking at whitelisting in a very different way
> than is typically implemented.  What is your understanding of how a
> whitelisting solution would need to work?
> Yes, I am becoming aware that I’m looking at it very differently J. That is
> basically my point. The way it’s typically implemented is to specify an
> allowed list of executables using multiple ways of compiling that list –
> publisher, path, hash, filename, etc. This is basically the only practical
> way it can work. However, to be *truly* stop all malware from executing, it
> would also have to include all documents/data files that a user would want
> to use.
>>>If there’s a chance that said application will make a mistake, then we
>>> also need something signature based to block the bad bits.
> Except that the scenario you're presenting is exactly what we call Zero Day
> attacks.   Vulnerability is discovered in an approved app (no matter how you
> chose to identify "approved app") and it gets exploited.  How is a signature
> helping there when the attack is new?
> Antimalware signatures are generally produced much more rapidly than an
> application patch. So, while a zero day flaw may take a week (optimistic) to
> patch, the AV vendors could be blocking all .txt files containing the
> offending string of bits.
> If the vulnerability is one that requires no new executables, then a
> zero-day attack is equally damaging to a whitelist or blacklist approach.
> If the vulnerability is one that spawns a new executable, then a zero-day
> attack is not effective in a whitelist scenario, but just as damaging as
> always in a blacklist scenario.
> I address the need for vendors to allow features and functionality to be
> enabled or disabled independently (in the very next paragraph)
> Right. The ability to turn off javascript/macros in Word, Reader, IE, etc.
> is certainly a beneficial addition, but it doesn’t prevent other forms of
> malware that may be present in a .doc or .pdf, just the malware that
> exploits the built-in execution engine.
> , which would provide even more security.  In the meantime, blacklisting at
> the host level as the primary means of protection is a game of increasing
> risk with diminishing returns...
> Agreed…for the time being. But, if we were to flip a magic switch and swap
> to a predominantly white-list based environment, the most common
> exploitation vectors would switch to exploiting white-listed .exes through
> buffer overflows or other methods of tricking an .exe to doing more than
> displaying data in a data file.
> ASB (My Bio via About.Me)
> Exploiting Technology for Business Advantage...
> On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 2:36 PM, Crawford, Scott <>
> wrote:
> “Application whitelisting is a good idea, because for every environment,
> there are less items that fall into the “known good” category than bad code
> that you don’t want to run.”
> This assumption simply isn’t true. Data = 1’s and 0’s = code. There are MORE
> good files that I want to use than bad that I want to block. If there was
> some magic bullet that ensured “data” files could never contain executable
> bits, then I would agree whole heartedly. But, I don’t believe such bullet
> will ever exist. Therefore data = 1’s and 0’s = code and its up to the
> whitelisted .exe to interpret them correctly. If there’s a chance that said
> application will make a mistake, then we also need something signature based
> to block the bad bits.
> From: Andrew S. Baker []
> Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 12:25 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: Intel developing security 'game-changer'
> Here are my full thoughts on the subject, as a security mechanism:
> No, it is not a panacea, because no security mechanism ever is.  Yes, there
> are drawbacks, but focusing on these technologies will provide a bigger bang
> for the buck and allow us to mitigate the weaknesses sooner.  Either way,
> your ROI is greater in most scenarios which use whitelisting vs
> blacklisting.
> Also, check out the following:
> ASB (Find me online via About.Me)
> Exploiting Technology for Business Advantage...
> On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 12:48 PM, Crawford, Scott <>
> wrote:
> “No one here has suggested panacea”
> Perhaps not, but that’s not my perception. I see lots of statements like
> “I’m still of the opinion that the only real solution is white-listing. -
> MBS”  Maybe I’m misreading that, but that hints at a panacea and I’m simply
> saying that it’s not.
> All of your other points – I agree.
> From: Andrew S. Baker []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 4:35 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: Intel developing security 'game-changer'
> No one here has suggested panacea, but consider how effective it would be in
> a white-listing environment to add most apps to the list in the event of a
> zero-day to an EXISTING app.  You wouldn't have to do anything for an app
> that wasn't already allowed in your environment.
> It is akin to the change in firewall rule-set made in ages gone by from
> Allowed-by-Default to Denied-by-Default.
> Likewise, look at all the environments that have moved towards some form of
> locked down user desktop and see how much of a benefit has resulted.
> Reducing problems by 50-80% off the bat, with little overhead, is always
> desirable.
> ASB (My Bio via About.Me)
> Exploiting Technology for Business Advantage...
> On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 5:03 PM, Crawford, Scott <>
> wrote:
> My point is that neither signatures, nor white-listing are a panacea. The
> fact that we’ve been sig based for so long while malware continues to be
> effective leads many to think that white-listing would solve all our woes.
> I’m simply saying that many *current* vulnerabilities circumvent a
> white-list so it can’t be a panacea…unless of course you white-list each
> individual data file.
> From: Andrew S. Baker []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 1:55 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: Intel developing security 'game-changer'
> Just as network anomaly detection devices don't eliminate the use of
> signatures, whitelisting solutions can still make use of several mechanisms
> for avoiding bad stuff.
> It is the complete RELIANCE on signatures that is troublesome.
> Oh, and btw, I try to avoid Adobe Acrobat altogether.  There are plenty of
> viable alternatives at the moment...
> ASB (My Bio via About.Me)
> Exploiting Technology for Business Advantage...
> On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 2:51 PM, Crawford, Scott <>
> wrote:
> Unless you’re going to white-list every doc/jpg/pdf/mp3 you’re going to
> open, that’s not a panacea either.  Documents = 1’s and 0’s = code. The only
> difference is what layer its executed at.  Assume you white-list
> AdobeReader.exe. The next time a flaw is found that is exploited through a
> malformed PDF, it will march right through your white-list.
> From: Michael B. Smith []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 1:38 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Intel developing security 'game-changer'
> I’m still of the opinion that the only real solution is white-listing.
> But that raises its own set of issues.
> Regards,
> Michael B. Smith
> Consultant and Exchange MVP
> From: Andrew S. Baker []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 2:35 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: Intel developing security 'game-changer'
> Since a whole lot of allegedly legitimate software acts just like malware,
> they'd have their work cut out for them.
> Try installing a host-based IPS on your system in monitoring mode, and look
> at what it would block -- and why.
> There are certain classes of zero-day that can be blocked by software or
> hardware.  There are others that cannot be, simply because of what passes
> for functionality these days.
> Oh, and I agree with Ben and Jonathan...
> ASB (My Bio via About.Me)
> Exploiting Technology for Business Advantage...
> On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 1:47 PM, Sean Martin <> wrote:
> Most important statement....
> "If Intel has hardware technology that can reliably stop zero-day attacks,
> that would be a huge win in the war against malware," Olds said. "The key is
> that it's reliable. It has to have the ability to discern legit software
> from malware. But if they can pull this off, it would give them quite a
> competitive advantage vs. AMD."
> - Sean
> On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 9:37 AM, David Lum <> wrote:
> What say you, Alex, et all.
> Hype?
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