On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 5:38 AM, Andrew S. Baker <asbz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> These days, all I use is CHKDSK.   Lots of parameters to work with.

  Isn't CHKDSK still basically just a read verification, even with /R?
 That is, all it does is try to read from every block on the disk?
That counts for something, for sure, but it's limited.

  Not strictly addressing the OP's request, I've used badblocks and
smartctl under Linux to glean insight into disk behaviors.  Booted
from CD, they work on a Windows-formatted disk.

  smartctl is an interface to the SMART stuff.  The statistics
reporting is interesting, especially if you do a before-and-after
comparison with badblocks.  You can also trigger one of several
different SMART self-tests (which appears to be all some
manufacturer-specific tools do).

  "badblocks -w" is a destructive write test.  It writes a succession
of patterns (0xFF, 0xAA, 0x55, 0x00) in passes, filling the disk with
one pattern and reading it back before doing the next.  This has
uncovered bad disks for me.  It's also cleared bad blocks on a disk,
by allowing a relocation.  "badblocks -n" is a non-destructive write
test.  For each block, it reads the contents, writes and compares
patterns, then re-writes the original contents.  Useful for proving a
disk already in use.  Add "-v -s" to any badblocks test to get verbose
status info, i.e., progress indication.

  Whether any of this is worth it (disks are cheap) is left as an
exercise for the reader.

  I agree with the idea that it's prolly not the disks that are bad in
the OP's situation.

-- Ben

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