On 26/04/2011 14:32, Adrian Baltowski wrote:
 > I believe that r408 is chosen in preference to b64a because passing
an RGB pixel format to a YUV codec causes weird colour shifts (...)

Ok, so Nuke 6.2 uses r408 and sacrifice quality of Prores to avoid gamma
shifts. But then it applied wrong matrix and wrong gamma transfer...

Nuke 6.2 prefers r4fl and uses the matrix and gamma transfer recommended in the Iceflow and QuickTime documentation.

I think that priorities are upside down here. Problems with gamma, even
if they are irritating, they are relatively simple to fix by experienced
user. But degradation of quality caused for this case by r408 is
irreversible and unable to fix. It's a painful problem especially
because it affects very popular and useful codec.

This is done on a codec-by-codec case. Some codecs simply are broken and have random crashes with r4fl or r408 but work fine with b64a. Our priorities are to give our users the best quality and most stable QuickTime we can. Unfortunately Apply hasn't made life easy for anyone including themselves.

In order to make life easier for ourselves, starting Nuke 6.2v2, it is possible to drive the QuickTime plug-in to use different pixel formats. In your installation locate a file called 'GlobalSettings.csv'. This contains all of the quirks we employ for the different codecs that have problems. If you have problems with any of the codecs mentioned in these lines, you can comment them out, though beware as this can make your Nuke crash and burn.

Please to email support with example footage so they can file a bug and we can make things better for everyone.



PS: Your email client doesn't seem to be respecting threads, that makes this conversation very difficult to follow.

Wouter Klouwen, Software Engineer
The Foundry, 6th Floor, The Communications Building,
48 Leicester Square, London, WC2H 7LT, UK
T: +442079686828 - F: +442074341550 - thefoundry.co.uk
The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd - Reg.d in England and Wales No: 4642027
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