I am not reading this list for a week and then this...
Well see what happens if you get the flu...

I am a bit disoriented now, how long will this list be operational ?
Or better the three of them ?

Then I have to add to the general discussion that for me forums are just not that much about information, as my email client. Forums are full of distractions, and I love that my email client presents the information, most of the time, in a unified way, meaning there is no layout/adds/type fancy graphics that are just a distraction...

Someone mentioned a public/accessible bug tracker for nuke, this would have been the most useful addition to this list that was and is missing.
Other than that all was/is there

and on top of that autodesk bought rv... well I am hoping for the best, fingers crossed.


Am 2/9/15 um 3:19 AM schrieb chris:
sorry if this sounds harsh, but this idea sounds plain stupid to me.

i've seen this twice already: a mailing list with very high-level information and respectful conversations turning into a forum with a lot of noise and insults.

the strange thing is that apart from being easier to follow, mailing list seem to have *more* of a community feeling then forums with people actually talking to each other like people (which seems to be a rare thing on the internet)

considering this is (has been?) the best mailing list i've ever experienced it saddens me that such a move is being made, and even more so that nobody was asked beforehand.


Nuke-users mailing list
Nuke-users@support.thefoundry.co.uk, http://forums.thefoundry.co.uk/

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Nuke-users@support.thefoundry.co.uk, http://forums.thefoundry.co.uk/

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