Thanks a ton guys.
Frank, what do you refer to when saying "steel kernels"?

On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 12:03 AM, Frank Rueter|OHUfx <>

> Assuming you need to do camera tracking, definitely shoot lens grids for
> every prime lens and if you have zoom lenses try to shoot grids at regular
> intervals. If you have the luxury and patience, shooting at different focus
> distances will help you assess lens breathing.
> Make sure you have a solid tracking solution, lidar scans help shit loads
> to camera track things.
> Remember that spatial filters like blurs (=glows etc) should be applied
> with the respective anamorphic aspect as well. Bokehs are egg shaped rather
> than round. I think Nuke's defocus nodes have to be set to aspect 0.5
> rather than 2 to produce the correct shape.
> I'd shoot out-of-focus reference plates as well to remind yourself and
> others and possibly even steel kernels from if you want to build your own
> bokeh effect to match plates.
> DOF will be shallower than usual, since the horizontal fov per focal
> length will be twice as wide, so be diligent with tracker markers. Again,
> tracking is harder due to all these things.
> I wouldn't flatten the footage to square aspect. Working in true
> anamporphic will help remember all of those pit falls and preserve the lens
> geometry if you need a decent lens distortion solve in the camera tracking
> process. I found in the past that flattening plates, then tracking them in
> PFTrack yielded inaccurate lens models, whereas leaving the distortion and
> setting up the tracking environment accordingly produced better results.
> Don't rely on nodal moves. An anamorphic lens can only be nodal wither
> horizontally or vertically, i.e. for pans or tilts, but not for both. Have
> the camera assist mark both of those on the camera rig so the camera can be
> adjusted quickly if you need to rely on minimal parallax. However, in real
> life there will be lots of focus pulling and because of the lens breathing
> nodal moves will be near impossible to get.
> Shoot reference for lens flares (mount torch on c-stand and pan tilt the
> camera to get a feeling for the flares behaviour.
> Enjoy the cooler look ;)
> On 10/26/2015 07:04 AM, Mads Lund wrote:
> Going to start planning on a 4K anamorphic feature film. And I must say
> that I don't have too much experience working with anamorphic plates.
> Are there any issues that I should take note of or any other
> considerations?
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