Hi all,

quick question for those who have used NukeStudio a bit more than me:
I have a comp container for a shot that is about 1700 frames and I need to adjust an animation to match sound/narration around frame 1200. So, in my workflow I'd like to adjust key frames and cache the viewer to play it back with audio - turns out the Nuke viewer still can't do it even when launched as NukeStudio - boo! So I switch back to the timeline and render the comp container. However, i don't want the frame server to render the first 1200 frames cause there is nothing there that's sounds relevant. I need NukeStudio to render the comp container starting at frame 1200 (I don't care if it keeps rendering the rest but I need it to start at clip frame 1200).
How do you achieve this?
I thought I'd trick it by trimming the first 1200 frame of the comp container in the timeline - turns out it still renders everything starting with frame 1.

So, on my wish list would be:
A - finally make the Nunke (aka "comp") viewer play back sound
B - have some control where a comp container is rendered from, e.g. start at where the play head sits in the timeline, obey in and out points, trimming etc

Any cool tips or tricks here?


ohufxLogo 50x50 <http://www.ohufx.com> *vfx compositing <http://ohufx.com/index.php/vfx-compositing> | *workflow customisation and consulting <http://ohufx.com/index.php/vfx-customising>* *

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