On 7/13/2016 12:03 AM, Randy Little wrote:

Ffmpeg prores is not spec compliant. Color issues and in some cases
they just don't work.  So I would be careful using ffmpeg for prores.
We have had editorial kick them back for color.

Of course, you should always be careful and test everything.

In my experience (ymmv), ffmpeg prores can be made to "fool" the
metadata readers in apps if you can determine what they are looking for
in the files. Like anything, it all depends upon how much time you are
willing to put into the process. Of course, I'm not using your (Randy's)
files so I can't speak for them.

Color issues are only the case if, as I mentioned, you are diligent and
nail down your colorspace and parameters.

ffmpeg is a powerful & complex tool that makes it extremely easy to ruin
a file.

sam marrocco | chief technical officer

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