I’m interested in automating Quicktime to dpx/jpeg sequences for Nuke/Nuke 
studio through FFmpeg as a pre-edit step during ingestion.  Is there anything 
in particular ( besides file sizes, color settings) that I should be aware of 
to keep Nuke happy and the files as close to native as possible?

Michael Hodges

> On Jul 13, 2016, at 9:00 AM, Marrocco, Sam <smarro...@ringsidecreative.com> 
> wrote:
> On 7/13/2016 12:03 AM, Randy Little wrote:
>> Ffmpeg prores is not spec compliant. Color issues and in some cases
>> they just don't work.  So I would be careful using ffmpeg for prores.
>> We have had editorial kick them back for color.
> Of course, you should always be careful and test everything.
> In my experience (ymmv), ffmpeg prores can be made to "fool" the
> metadata readers in apps if you can determine what they are looking for
> in the files. Like anything, it all depends upon how much time you are
> willing to put into the process. Of course, I'm not using your (Randy's)
> files so I can't speak for them.
> Color issues are only the case if, as I mentioned, you are diligent and
> nail down your colorspace and parameters.
> ffmpeg is a powerful & complex tool that makes it extremely easy to ruin
> a file.
> sam marrocco | chief technical officer
> ringside.cutters.flavor.picnic.moonlink
> 248 548 2500 w
> 248 910 3344 c
> ringsidecreative.com
> <http://ringsidecreative.com/>
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