Not sure if this will work for you, but our write nodes always use the name of 
the script to generate the write name, including relative paths from the 
script. This means the user never enters anything in the write node and the 
writes are always a product of the script name. We also allow nuke to auto 
generate directories if they don’t exist, so renders don’t fail for missing 
output paths. So something like this:

[file dirname [value]]/../renders/nuke/[lindex [split [lindex [split 
[value] /] end] .] 0]/[lindex [split [lindex [split [value] 
/] end] .] 0].%04d.exr

will generate a directory based on the name of the script, and then put the 
renders inside with the file names also based on the script. 

Gary Jaeger / 650.728.7957 direct / 415.518.1419 mobile <>
> On Sep 27, 2016, at 10:15 PM, Darren Coombes <> wrote:
> Is there a way to write metadata containing the nuke script that wrote a file 
> in nuke?
> For instance, in After Effects, when you render a quicktime movie, it embeds 
> the project path and name in the file, and you can then import a rendered 
> movie as project and it relinks to original project.
> Would be helpful when trying to figure out what nuke script was used for a 
> render when so many versions etc.
> Thanks.
> Darren.
> Check out some of my work...
> Mob:  +61 418 631 079
> Skype:  darrencoombes
> Twitter:  @durwood81
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