Ant's script, or something like it, really needs to be part of the UI. I've
seen the issue where Nuke comps are supplied as qt refs for the timeline
and they are 24fps. There is no way to get that to conform automatically on
import to a 23.98 timeline. If the comp is generated by Nuke Studio then it
will have that super accurate 23.97602463 frame rate. But otherwise, it's
highly likely that the comp will be submitted as 24fps. Then you have to
manually change them all.

On 27 June 2016 at 13:00, Deke Kincaid <> wrote:

> So it is easy to fix manually if you only need to do it on a few clips,
> just select the clip, right click > open in > timeline view.  Then you will
> see an embedded timeline view for the clip, on the left side of the
> timeline you will see the fps which you can change.  This is the only way
> to change is which is extremely awkward and requires 5 clicks to change per
> clip(rather then the attribute simply living on the top of the clip).
> So Hiero and Nuke studio handles certain parts of fps a little opaquely
> from the user which just kind of sucks.  All clips are wrapped in a
> subclip/timeline.  This was added to make NS more flexible in the future
> but it causes a mess of issues which were never addressed.  When you first
> load footage into a timeline it auto sets all clips without fps
> metadata(input/fps) to the default fps of the project(menubar >project >
> edit), IE jpg and exr sequences which often do not have this embedded.
> 1. So if you forget to set your fps first, IE I set to 25, I drag a bunch
> of clips into the bin, they are now set to 25.
> 2. I then make a sequence and set it to 24fps.
> 3. I drag a clip from the bin to the timeline and it does that lame thing
> where it asks me in a very confusing way if I want to change the fps of the
> clip to match my timeline, ie 25 > 24.
> 4. The footage is an image sequence, so I think it is ok to simply tell it
> to change the fps of the clip
> 5. Now instead of simply setting the fps on the clip to the fps of the
> timeline, Nuke now adds a retime to the clip (WHY!!!!).
> 6. This causes a whole mess of issues, hilarity or should I say, my
> insanity ensues.
> On Sunday, June 26, 2016, Phillip Lange <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a clip from a client that QT, VLC and a ViewMetaData node all say
>> is at 25 fps.
>> However when I import it into a Nuke Studio project is tells me it's at
>> 24 fps.
>> Is there a way to force a clips frame rate ?
>> Using 10.0v2 on win 7
>> thanks
>> Phillip
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