There was a VR film fest that came through town last year, sponsored by
Samsung so it was heavily GearVR based.

As a movie purist, it was kind of frightening to see 30 people sitting in a
row with headsets on - a sobering glimpse of the future although I suppose
we'd all be in our homes wired up to the internet for the most part.

This was slightly better organized than the road shows that seemed to be
making the rounds at like Sundance and Siggraph.  Was cool to play them
against each other, as they had the full range of films on tap - from more
gimmicky older fare like Butts on up to, oh I don't know what was most
memorable, maybe that 360 VR documentary narrated by Susan Sarandon about
the Nepal earthquake.  It was interesting to feel that rubble and
devastation all around you.  I found myself holding my breath during the
dust storm part of it when they were walking through the area as the
buildings had freshly been taken down.  As someone who was in NYC for 9/11,
it got me a little bit.  Yikes.

There was a local company here in Portland that had done a really nice
"white water rafting through the Grand Canyon" experience.  And
Widen+Kennedy was there and had a few impressive VR demos they'd done as an
agency - one was a tour of a new Chrysler vehicle that fused a lot of
footage from inside the car on an assembly line - quite cool.  Probably my
favorite of theirs was a Nike ad for Neymar Jr (I think it's here on youtube
360 <> if you want to get an
idea) that actually gave me a little adrenaline tingle when he (as you)
scores the goal in the end and the stadium goes berzerk.  It was a while
ago now but I think they worked with Digital Domain on that one and it was
an early test of the pipeline over there.  Looks very nice on a proper
GearVR setup and not just a browser window.   Was an interesting design
choice to paint out the head of the player when you look down and see your

Yes for the most part it's all just a big first person gamer sort of world
they're crafting, but some of the early work is getting a lot of it right.
Keeps going in this direction and they'll have to replace that sign above
the door at Pixar that says "Story is king" with an "Experience is king."

There's also a lot of really bad technical examples out there where the
stitching is just pulling you out of it constantly.  Will be good when that
goes away.

I'd love to see more sports experiences being offered - heck I'd pay $40 or
$50 to have a live 360 stream of the NBA finals from courtside that I could
watch from home.  I wanna see a hot rodded superbowl simulcast from the 50
yard line (or other locations I can switch to), etc.  That needs to happen

On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 11:54 AM, Howard Jones <> wrote:

> Having said that I recently saw some impressive mono Natural History VR
> films.
> Being able to see the barrier reef as well as the wildebeest migration in
> VR was very impressive. I've dived on the first and seen footage of the
> second til the cows come home (well wildebeest).
> But in VR it felt like much more than a gimmick.
> Howard
> On 25 Oct 2016, at 10:26 am, Dan Grover <> wrote:
> We have a client who is projecting our film onto a 360 degree cylindrical
> wall around the viewer. It's a slow crane up (Well, drone, actually - the
> total height change is about half a kilometer) in a city and, from what I
> hear from those who have seen our test versions in the room, it's quite
> impressive.
> That said, I'm hesitant to say that this kind of stuff, even if it were on
> a headset, is really "VR" - just being able to look at different parts of
> what is basically just a sphere wrapped around you seems of limited appeal
> to me (despite what I just said above, which I think is basically just
> 'impressive' as a gimmick). The real sense of "presence" can only be
> obtained by a) stereoscopy in whatever you're looking at and b) a pretty
> accurate interaction with your head movement. This means parallax, which
> also means real time and to an extent interactivity (insomuch as you're
> moving the camera, not simply nodally panning around a sphere).
> On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 8:53 AM, Marten Blumen <> wrote:
>> VR == 'Vast Retouching'
>> Latlong blur == machine slows down to photoshop gaussian blur speed,
>> circa mid '90s.
>> On 25 October 2016 at 20:25, Mads Lund <> wrote:
>>> I have always been a bit sceptical about the whole "VR Video/Film" and
>>> was hoping some of the talks at VR on the Lot would bring something new to
>>> the table, but all the great experiences seem to revolve around gaming and
>>> interactivity, and that is also the area where i have been most involved in.
>>> So i am wondering if any one you guys have had any interesting
>>> experiences with non-interactive VR.
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