On Sat, May 12, 2018 at 4:27 PM, Jarrod Millman <mill...@berkeley.edu>

> Hi Chuck,
> A few more bits of advice from a local ...
> Oakland airport is smaller and closer, so I try to use it when I can.
> But SFO probably has more options and isn't too far away.
> I prefer Hotel Shattuck Plaza to Hotel Durant.  Shattuck is close to
> BART.  So you can get on the BART at either SFO or OAK and get off at
> the Downtown Berkeley station and then walk a short block to your
> hotel.  Also, Durant is closer to the frat houses, so it can get noisy
> at certain times (although, classes should be out so that shouldn't be
> a problem now).
> Some people prefer to use Airbnb.  If you go that route, I would try
> to get something near (or on) Euclid Ave. between Hearst and Marin.
> There is a bus line that runs up and down Euclid every 30 minutes.  It
> is a pretty and very quiet area (as soon as you get a couple blocks
> away from campus).  It takes about 30 minutes to walk from the corner
> of Euclid and Marin to BIDS.  It is all downhill to campus.  (I live
> near Euclid & Marin and often walk even though I have a bus pass.)
> Once you get to Euclid and Hearst (i.e., the Northgate to campus), it
> is a short walk (continuing in the same direction) to BIDS.
> I am not sure about the hours of the sprint, but I suspect they will
> be 9ish to 5ish.
> I hope to see you and others soon!

OK, I've reserved at the Shattuck Plaza. There is a bike rental around the
corner, would you recommend renting a bike ($35/day)?

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