Hi Nathaniel,

I think the case for frozen dimensions is much more solid that just
`cross1d` - there are many operations that work on size-3 vectors.
Indeed, as I noted in the PR, I have just been wrapping a
Standards-of-Astronomy library in gufuncs, and many of its functions
require size-3 vectors or 3x3 matrices [1]. Of course, I can put
checks on the sizes, and I've now done that in a custom type resolver
(which I needed anyway since, as you say, user dtypes is currently not
easy), but there is a real problem for functions that take scalars and
produce vectors: with a signature like `(),()->(n)`, I am forced to
pass in an output with size 3, which is very inconvenient (especially
if I then also want to override with `__array_ufunc__` - now my
Quantity implementation also has to start changing an output already
put in. So, having frozen dimensions is definitely helpful for
developers of new gufuncs.

Furthermore, with frozen dimensions, the signature is not just
immediately clear, `(),()->(3)` for the example above, it is also
better in telling users about what a function does.

Indeed, I think this addition has much more justification than the `?`
which is much more complex than the fixed size, yet neither
particularly clear nor useful beyond the single purpose of matmul. (It
is just that that single purpose has fairly high weight...)

As for broadcasting, well, with the flexible dimensions defined, the
*additional* complexity is very small. I have no ready example other
than all_equal, though will say that I currently have code that does
`if a[0] == x && a[1] == x && a[2] ==x && np.all(a[3:] == x):` just
because the short-circuiting is well worth the time (it is unlikely in
this context that all a equals x). So, there is at least one example
of an actual need for this function.

All the best,


[1] https://github.com/astropy/astropy/pull/7502
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