Hi Nathaniel,

Very well written summary, it provides a lot of perspective into the different 
ways that this could go wrong. Here is a little commentary.

> On 13. Aug 2018, at 11:44, Nathaniel Smith <n...@pobox.com> wrote:
> Hey all,
> So I've finally read through NEP 18 (__array_function__). Sorry again
> for the delay!
> It's an impressive piece of work! Thanks to the many authors; there's
> clearly been a lot of thought put into this.
> # The trade-off between comprehensive APIs versus clean APIs
> At a high-level, what makes me nervous about this proposal is that it
> reminds me of a classic software design pattern that... I don't know a
> name for. You might call it the "structured monkeypatching" approach
> to extensibility. The pattern is: a project decides they want to allow
> some kind of extensions or addons or plugins or something, but
> defining a big structured API for this is too difficult. So they take
> their current API surface area and declare that that's the plugin API
> (plus some mechanism for plugins to hook in etc.). Is this pattern
> good? It's... hard to say. What generally happens is:
> 1. You get a very complete, powerful, flexible plugin API with minimal work.
> 2. This quickly leads to a rich system of powerful plugins, which
> drives quick uptake of the project, sometimes even driving out
> competitors.
> 3. The maintainers slowly realize that committing to such a large and
> unstructured API is horribly unwieldy and makes changes difficult.
> 4. The maintainers spend huge amounts of effort trying to crawl out
> from under the weight of their commitments, which mixed success.
> Examples:
> pytest, sphinx: For both of these projects, writing plugins is a
> miserable experience, and you never really know if they'll work with
> new releases or when composed with random other plugins. Both projects
> are absolutely the dominant players in their niche, far better than
> the competition, largely thanks to their rich plugin ecosystems.

Ah, yes. I’ve been an affectee of this in both instances. For example, there’s 
a bug that with doctests enabled, you can’t select tests to run, and with 
coverage enabled, the pydev debugger stops working.

However, composition (at least) is better handled with this protocol. This is 
answered in more detail later on.

> CPython: the C extension API is basically just... all of CPython's
> internals dumped into a header file. Without this numpy wouldn't
> exist. A key ingredient in Python's miraculous popularity. Also, at
> this point, possibly the largest millstone preventing further
> improvements in Python – this is why we can't have multicore support,
> JITs, etc. etc.; all the most ambitious discussions at the Python
> language summit the last few years have circled back to "...but we
> can't do that b/c it will break the C API". See also:
> https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2018-July/154814.html
> Firefox: their original extension API was basically just "our UI is
> written in javascript, extension modules get to throw more javascript
> in the pot". One of Firefox's original USPs, and a key part of like...
> how Mozilla even exists instead of having gone out of business a
> decade ago. Eventually the extension API started blocking critical
> architectural changes (e.g. for better sandboxing), and they had to go
> through an *immensely* painful migration to a properly designed API,
> which tooks years and burned huge amounts of goodwill.

Ah, yes. I remember heated debates about this. A lot of good add-ons (as 
Mozilla calls them) were lost because of alienated developers or missing APIs.

> So this is like... an extreme version of technical debt. You're making
> a deal with the devil for wealth and fame, and then eventually the
> bill becomes due. It's hard for me to say categorically that this is a
> bad idea – empirically, it can be very successful! But there are real
> trade-offs. And it makes me a bit nervous that Matt is the one
> proposing this, because I'm pretty sure if you asked him he'd say he's
> absolutely focused on how to get something working ASAP and has no
> plans to maintain numpy in the future.
> The other approach would be to incrementally add clean, well-defined
> dunder methods like __array_ufunc__, __array_concatenate__, etc. This
> way we end up putting some thought into each interface, making sure
> that it's something we can support, protecting downstream libraries
> from unnecessary complexity (e.g. they can implement
> __array_concatenate__ instead of hstack, vstack, row_stack,
> column_stack, ...), or avoiding adding new APIs entirely (e.g., by
> converting existing functions into ufuncs so __array_ufunc__ starts
> automagically working).

Yes, this is the way I’d prefer to go as well, but the machinery required for 
converting something to a ufunc is rather complex. Take, for example, the 
three-argument np.where. In order to preserve full backward compatibility, we 
need to support structured arrays and strings… which is rather hard to do. Same 
with the np.identity ufunc that was proposed for casting to a given dtype. This 
isn’t necessarily an argument against using ufuncs, I’d actually take it as an 
argument for better documenting these sorts of things. In fact, I wanted to do 
both of these myself at one point, but I found the documentation for writing 
ufuncs insufficient for handling these corner cases.

> And in the end we get a clean list of dunder
> methods that new array container implementations have to define. It's
> plausible to imagine a generic test suite for array containers. (I
> suspect that every library that tries to implement __array_function__
> will end up with accidental behavioral differences, just because the
> numpy API is so vast and contains so many corner cases.) So the
> clean-well-defined-dunders approach has lots of upsides. The big
> downside is that this is a much longer road to go down.

It all comes down to how stable we consider the NumPy API to be. And I’d say 
pretty stable. Once a function is overridden, we generally do not let NumPy 
handle it at all. We generally tend to preserve backward compatibility in the 
API, and the API is all we’re exposing.

> I am genuinely uncertain which of these approaches is better on net,
> or whether we should do both. But because I'm uncertain, I'm nervous
> about committing to the NEP 18 approach -- it feels risky.
> ## Can we mitigate that risk?
> One thing that helps is the way the proposal makes it all-or-nothing:
> if you have an __array_function__ method, then you are committing to
> reimplementing *all* the numpy API (or at least all the parts that you
> want to work at all). This is arguably a bad thing in the long run,
> because only large and well-resourced projects can realistically hope
> to implement __array_function__. But for now it does somewhat mitigate
> the risks, because the fewer users we have the easier it is to work
> with them to change course later. But that's probably not enough --
> "don't worry, if we change it we'll only break large, important
> projects with lots of users" isn't actually *that* reassuring :-).

There was a proposal that we elected to leave out — Maybe this is a reason to 
put it back in. The proposal was to have a sentinel 
(np.NotImplementedButCoercible) that would take the regular route via coercion, 
with NotImplemented raising a TypeError. This way, someone could do these 
things incrementally.

Also, another thing we could do (as Stephan Hoyer, I, Travis Oliphant, Tyler 
Reddy, Saul Shanabrook and a few others discussed in the SciPy 2018 sprints) is 
to go through the NumPy API, convert as much of them into ufuncs as possible, 
and identify a “base set” from the rest. Then duck array implementations would 
only need to implement this “base set” of operations along with 
__array_ufunc__. My idea is that we get started on identifying these things as 
soon as possible, and only allow this “base set” under __array_function__, and 
the rest should simply use these to create all NumPy functionality. I might 
take on identifying this “base set” of functionality in early September if 
enough people are interested. I might even go as far as to say that we 
shouldn’t allow any function under this protocol unless it’s in the "base set”, 
and rewrite the rest of NumPy to use the “base set”. It’s a big project for 
sure, but identifying the “base set”/ufunc-able functions shouldn’t take too 
long. The rewriting part might.

The downside would be that some things (such as np.stack) could have better 
implementations if a custom one was allowed, rather than for example, error 
checking + concatenate + reshape or error-checking + introduce extra dimension 
+ concatenate. I’m willing to live with this downside, personally, in favour of 
a cleaner API.

> The proposal also bills itself as an unstable, provisional experiment
> ("this protocol should be considered strictly experimental. We reserve
> the right to change the details of this protocol and how specific
> NumPy functions use it at any time in the future – even in otherwise
> bug-fix only releases of NumPy."). This mitigates a lot of risk! If we
> aren't committing to anything, then sure, why not experiment.
> But... this is wishful thinking. No matter what the NEP says, I simply
> don't believe that we'll actually go break dask, sparse arrays,
> xarray, and sklearn in a numpy point release. Or any numpy release.
> Nor should we. If we're serious about keeping this experimental – and
> I think that's an excellent idea for now! – then IMO we need to do
> something more to avoid getting trapped by backwards compatibility.
> My suggestion: at numpy import time, check for an envvar, like say
> NUMPY_EXPERIMENTAL_ARRAY_FUNCTION=1. If it's not set, then all the
> __array_function__ dispatches turn into no-ops. This lets interested
> downstream libraries and users try this out, but makes sure that we
> won't have a hundred thousand end users depending on it without
> realizing. Other advantages:
> - makes it easy for end-users to check how much overhead this adds (by
> running their code with it enabled vs disabled)
> - if/when we decide to commit to supporting it for real, we just
> remove the envvar.

We also have to consider that this might hinder adoption. But I’m fine with 
that. Properly > Quickly, as long as it doesn’t take too long. I’m +0 on this 
until we properly hammer out this stuff, then we remove it and make this the 

However, I also realise that pydata/sparse is in the early stages, and can 
probably wait. Other duck array implementations such as Dask and XArray might 
need this soon-ish.

> With this change, I'm overall +1 on the proposal. Without it, I...
> would like more convincing, at least :-).
> # Minor quibbles
> I don't really understand the 'types' frozenset. The NEP says "it will
> be used by most __array_function__ methods, which otherwise would need
> to extract this information themselves"... but they still need to
> extract the information themselves, because they still have to examine
> each object and figure out what type it is. And, simply creating a
> frozenset costs ~0.2 µs on my laptop, which is overhead that we can't
> possibly optimize later…

The rationale here is that most implementations would check if the types in the 
array are actually supported by their implementation. If not, they’d return 
NotImplemented. If it wasn’t done here, every input would need to do it 
individually, and this may take a lot of time.

I do agree that it violates DRY a bit though… The types are already present in 
the passed-in arguments, and this can be inferred from those.

> -n
> On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 5:27 PM, Stephan Hoyer <sho...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I propose to accept NEP-18, "A dispatch mechanism for NumPy’s high level
>> array functions":
>> http://www.numpy.org/neps/nep-0018-array-function-protocol.html
>> Since the last round of discussion, we added a new section on "Callable
>> objects generated at runtime" clarifying that to handle such objects is out
>> of scope for the initial proposal in the NEP.
>> If there are no substantive objections within 7 days from this email, then
>> the NEP will be accepted; see NEP 0 for more details.
>> Cheers,
>> Stpehan
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> -- 
> Nathaniel J. Smith -- https://vorpus.org
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Hope that clarifies things!

Best regards,
Hameer Abbasi

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