On Mon, Aug 20, 2018 at 4:39 AM Andy Ray Terrel <andy.ter...@gmail.com>

> Unfortunately the machine that was hosting planet.scipy.org has died.
> The volunteer that was supporting it, Sheila Miguez, had warned the scipy
> leadership for over a year that it was going down. Over the last six months
> after the Rackspace open source program has ended she repeatedly reached
> out for help. I tried to save it but the machine wasn’t backed up or had
> any instructions on how to operate. The rackspace images couldn’t be
> transferred to the NumFOCUS account for some reason that was never
> understood.
> Sheila informed Rackspace that she couldn’t pay the bill of over $1200 for
> the machine and we would need to cancel the account. I paid the bill for
> her, and started the process of copying files over to a different box.
> Rackspace, despite telling us it would take 3 days to delete the account
> took less then 3hours. Since then I have been on numerous support calls but
> it appears the account is gone.

Thanks for your efforts Andy and Didrik.

Planet SciPy was useful and fairly popular I think, so worth considering if
and how we want to revive it. Besides the server that planet.scipy.org was
living on (which was in bad shape), there's the issue that the Planet
software hasn't been maintained for ages. Here's what I dug up a couple of
years ago:

"It took me forever to find the latest planet code, it's actually named
Planet Venus now (Planet Planet is dead):
Planet Venus had its last update in 2011, so also not viable anymore. The
only semi-maintained one (last update Nov 2017) is Planet Pluto now (
https://github.com/feedreader/), which is a Ruby project. So probably best
to look for a non-planet solution (e.g. https://www.wprssaggregator.com/).
If anyone has experience with something like this that works, would be
great to hear.

Number 1 on my wish list for an alternative is something that's either
hosted or serverless; we always have problems with any server that needs
maintaining. Right now there's on healthy server for
scipy.org/docs.scipy.org, and I wouldn't want to see that run anything like
Planet or Wordpress.

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