Hi all,

just a brief note that I merged this proposal:


adding `np.sliding_window_view` into the 1.20 release of NumPy.

There was only one public API change, and that is that the `shape`
argument is now called `window_shape`.

This is still a good time for feedback in case you have a better idea
e.g. for the function or parameter names.



On Mon, 2020-10-12 at 08:39 +0000, Zimmermann Klaus wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to draw the attention of this list to PR #17394 [1] that
> adds the implementation of a sliding window view to numpy.
> Having a sliding window view in numpy is a longstanding open issue
> (cf
> #7753 [2] from 2016). A brief summary of the discussions surrounding
> it
> can be found in the description of the PR.
> This PR implements a sliding window view based on stride tricks.
> Following the discussion in issue #7753, a first implementation was
> provided by Fanjin Zeng in PR #10771. After some discussion, that PR
> stalled and I picked up the issue in the present PR #17394. It is
> based
> on the first implementation, but follows the changed API as suggested
> by
> Eric Wieser.
> Code reviews have been provided by Bas van Beek, Stephen Hoyer, and
> Eric
> Wieser. Sebastian Berg added the "62 - Python API" label.
> Do you think this is suitable for inclusion in numpy?
> Do you consider the PR ready?
> Do you have suggestions or requests?
> Thanks for your time and consideration!
> Klaus
> [1] https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/17394
> [2] https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/7753
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