Thanks for taking the time Stefan

1. I had left in the stderr to print out the message (for whatever reason
the log files weren't there)

The two big things I'm noticing

First, I'm attempting to build with "pip install ." or "python -m pip
install ." I can confirm that the virtualenv python is used, but the
sys.path is very messed up, and does not include the virtual environment.

However, this does not occur if I simply run "meson build". With some
jiggering of numpy's include path, it seems to build fine, with the correct

So the fundamental issue is something happens with pip install . and
sys.path, where the virtualenv isn't included.

I don't think this is a numpy issue. Though I welcome any input / ideas /
anything obvious I'm missing. It feels more like a meson-python issue, so I
may follow up there.


On Sat, Nov 25, 2023 at 5:30 PM Stefan van der Walt via NumPy-Discussion <> wrote:

> Hi Doug,
> On Sat, Nov 25, 2023, at 07:14, Doug Turnbull wrote:
> Unfortunately the following command fails:
> incdir_numpy = run_command(py,
>   ['-c', 'import numpy; print(numpy.get_include())'],
>   capture: true,
>   check: false,
> ).stdout().strip()
> In your repo it says stderr, but the version above (stdout) works for me.
> Perhaps you are using a different Python than the one in your virtual env,
> because meson was installed onto your path previously? Try `python -m pip
> install meson` and then invoking the meson binary directly from your
> virtualenv: venv/bin/meson.
> Stéfan
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