Doesn't the project adopting wording of this kind "pass the buck" onto the maintainers? At the end of the day, failure to enforce our stated policy will be not only the responsibility of the authors but also the reviewers / maintainers on whole. In effect (and just speaking personally) wording like this would make it less likely for me as a maintainer to review PRs with questionable content (potentially avoiding new contributors who are human but not very aware of their tools / are junior / new contributors), because I don't want to be implicated in attesting to the validity of possibly copyright infringing code. I am of course not against the exact wording or the spirit, and the details are probably best hammered out on a PR if we decide it makes sense to try to catch AI generated / assisted work (though I'm not sure we should)..

Perhaps not very related, but at my Uni we recently decided it took too much effort for us to try to make sure no one was using AI tools than to simply *grade*, and I think the same spirit applies here as well.

--- Rohit

On 7/4/24 3:18 PM, Daniele Nicolodi wrote:
On 04/07/24 13:29, Matthew Brett wrote:
I agree it is hard to enforce, but it seems to me it would be a
reasonable defensive move to say - for now - that authors will need to
take full responsibility for copyright, and that, as of now,
AI-generated code cannot meet that standard, so we require authors to
turn off AI-generation when writing code for Numpy.

I like this position.

I wish it for be common sense for contributors to an open source codebase that they need to own the copyright on their contributions, but I don't think it can be assumed. Adding something to these lines to the project policy has also the potential to educate the contributions about the pitfalls of using AI to autocomplete their contributions.

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