Robert Kern wrote:
> Steven H. Rogers wrote:
>> Robert Kern wrote:
>>> Steven H. Rogers wrote:
>>>> I don't know of any simple build instructions for Windows, but if you're 
>>>> patient, there will probably be updated packaged releases of SciPy + 
>>>> NumPy that play well together "real soon now". 
>>> We'll need a volunteer release manager for that, or it won't happen. Most 
>>> of the
>>> principals are very busy right now.
>> I thought I saw signs that something would be happening soon. 
> Real life got in the way.
Yes, life happens.
>> What 
>> would be the scope of this release manager's responsibilities?
> 1) Make a numpy point release. Some changes in 1.0.3-2 which should 
> have
> only made changes to the files included in the numpy source tarball also seem 
> to
> impair building scipy. We would need to branch from the 1.0.3 tag to fix 
> this. I
> don't think the changes to numpy.distutils in the trunk have been vetted 
> enough
> for making a numpy 1.0.4 release. Here is some information on the mechanics 
> of this:
> 2) Make a scipy 0.5.3 release. Deciding what goes in is mostly a matter of
> announcing a cutoff date to make sure people don't have half of a refactoring 
> in.
> 3) The release manager will need to make sure that the releases build and run
> their test suite on at least the Big Three: Windows, some kind of Linux, and 
> Mac
> OS X. Usually, they will need to delegate for some of these platforms. The
> binary builds for Windows should be provided for download along with the 
> source.
> 4) Binaries: Windows binaries are pretty much necessary. If possible, try to 
> use
> an ATLAS library that does *not* use SSE2 instructions. We have had problems
> with people getting segfaults on older hardware. scipy binaries should *not*
> include FFTW or UMFPACK since they are GPLed. I can help with OS X binaries 
> now
> that I've finally figured out how to get scipy to link statically against the
> gfortran runtime.
> 5) The tarballs and binaries should be uploaded to the Sourceforge site. The
> Cheeseshop records should be updated to record the new versions. An 
> announcement
> should be made to python-announce and the relevant mailing lists.
Unfortunately, I can't see committing to something like this now.  I 
might be able to start in November if no one else volunteers.

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