David Cournapeau wrote:
> Robert Kern wrote:
>> David Cournapeau wrote:
>>> I am willing to volunteer for the scipy part: I have quite extensive 
>>> experience with building on linux now, and I can now build on windows 
>>> without too much difficulties (I mean hardware-wise).
>>> Concerning the release date: it basically means giving enough time to 
>>> solve the current bugs, right ?
>> There are too many. Build bugs should be fixed and anything that impairs the
>> functioning of whole packages. Incorporating patches already submitted would 
>> be
>> the next priority. Fixing isolated little bugs can be pushed back.
> I thought that releasing something before the end of summer would be a 
> good release date: a new release is available before the beginning of 
> the new "university" year. Would you agree on a date like end of august 
> ? (if I become the release manager, this is also more compatible with my 
> schedule).
> For the bugs, I was not talking about all the bugs in trac, but the ones 
> in 0.5.3 milestone (10-11 bugs, I think).
> David
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Actually 8 tickets

Ticket #389 can be closed. It's already fixed.
AFAIK Dmitrey is working on ticket #464.
I didn't check the patch by bart for ticket #360.
IMHO ticket #406 is not so important for 0.5.3 release.
I cannot reproduce the problem concerning #401. It is Mac specific
problem. Am I missing something ?

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