Christopher Barker wrote:
> Xavier Gnata wrote:
>> I'm using the numpy C API (PyArray_SimpleNewFromData) to perform the 
>> conversion but my code is written by hands.
> I'd like to see that. How are you getting the pointer to pass in to 
> PyArray_SimpleNewFromData? It looks like you can do something like:
> (VA is a valarray<double>)
> npy_intp *dims
> dims[0] = VA.size()
> NPA = PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(1, dims, typenum, &VA[0]);
> Is that what you're doing? Is there any guarantee that &VA[0] won't 
> change? In any case, I assume that you have to make sure that VA doesn't 
> get deleted while the array is still around.
>> I would like to simplify it using SWIG  but I also would like to see a good 
>> typemap valarray <=>
>> numpy.array :)
> In principle, if you know how to write the code by hand, you know how to 
> write the typemap.

Here it is :) OK it is only a smal code but I often use something like 
that to debug my C++ code (the goal is just to have a quick look to 
larrge array to unnderstand what is going wrong).

#include <python2.4/Python.h>
#include <numpy/arrayobject.h>
#include <valarray>

using namespace std;

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  PyObject *pylab_module, *pylab_module_dict, *func_imshow, *func_show, 
    *result_imshow, *result_show, *array;

  int NbDims = 2;
  int *Dims;
  long NbData;

  Dims = new int[NbDims];
  Dims[0] = 10;
  Dims[1] = 10;

  NbData = Dims[0] * Dims[1];

  valarray < double >Data (NbData);
  for (long i = 0; i < NbData; i++)
      Data[i] = (double) i / (NbData - 1);

  Py_Initialize ();

// Needed before any call to PyArray_foo function.
  import_array1 (-1);

  // New reference to a numpy array
  array = PyArray_SimpleNewFromData (NbDims, Dims, PyArray_DOUBLE, 

  pylab_module = PyImport_Import (PyString_FromString ("pylab"));
  if (pylab_module)
      pylab_module_dict = PyModule_GetDict (pylab_module);
      if (pylab_module_dict)
      func_imshow = PyDict_GetItemString (pylab_module_dict, "imshow");
      if (func_imshow)
          func_show = PyDict_GetItemString (pylab_module_dict, "show");
          if (func_show)

          args = PyTuple_New (1);
          PyTuple_SetItem (args, 0, array);
          result_imshow = PyObject_CallObject (func_imshow, args);
          Py_XDECREF (result_imshow);    // We dont use the result...
          Py_XDECREF (args);
          result_show = PyObject_CallObject (func_show, NULL);
          Py_XDECREF (result_show);    // We dont use the result...
          Py_XDECREF (array);
      Py_XDECREF (pylab_module);

  Py_Finalize ();

  return 0;

"In principle, if you know how to write the code by hand, you know how to 
write the typemap."

Yes but I had to spend a bit more time on that. Hand written code I have posted 
fit my (debug) needs so I decided not to use SWIG.

"Is that what you're doing? Is there any guarantee that &VA[0] won't 
change? In any case, I assume that you have to make sure that VA doesn't 
get deleted while the array is still around.

Yes I have but it is not a problem in my simple use cases.


Xavier Gnata
CRAL - Observatoire de Lyon
9, avenue Charles André
69561 Saint Genis Laval cedex
Phone: +33 4 78 86 85 28
Fax: +33 4 78 86 83 86

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