On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 5:41 AM, David Cournapeau
> Joris De Ridder wrote:
>  > As Mike, I'm a bit sceptic about the whole idea. The current way
>  > doesn't seem broken, so why fix it?
>  If the recent events do not show that something went wrong, I don't know
>  what will :)...
>  The plan really is to have a code freeze and hard freeze between each
>  release, and time-based releases are more natural for that IMO, because
>  contributors can plan and synchronize more easily. Maybe it won't work,
>  but it worths a try; As Robert mentioned it before, code freeze and hard
>  code freeze is what matters.

I agree with this, so I think I'll have to apologize for
misunderstanding the precise intent of the original message. Code
freezing and plenty of testing to a schedule are a good thing.

My only concern is that people don't feel compelled to push out a new
release simply because the calendar rolled over (Fedora cough; Ubuntu,
cough, cough). If there is a compelling feature set or bug fix, then
by all means, set the schedule and go for it. Just don't fire up a
release solely to show signs of life.


P.S. I'll take that median change in 1.1, wink :-)

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