2008/5/12 Jarrod Millman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 12:05 PM, Eric Firing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  As one who pushed for the MA transition, I appreciate your suggestion.
>>  It may have one unintended consequence, however, that may cause more
>>  trouble than it saves: it may lead to more situations where the ma
>>  versions are unintentionally mixed.  This will probably work if an
>>  old_ma array ends up as input for a new_ma function, but the reverse
>>  often will not work correctly.
> Good point.  I now agree that it is best to avoid having the old code
> accessible via np.core.ma.  If the old code is only accessible via
> np.oldnumeric, then I don't see any reason to add a deprecation
> warning since it is kind of implied by placing it in np.oldnumeric.

Does it make sense to make the *new* code available in numpy.core.ma,
optionally with a DeprecationWarning? I realize it was supposedly
never advertised as being there, but given the state of numpy
documentation many users will have found it there; at the least
matplotlib did.

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