David Cournapeau <david <at> ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp> writes:

> It may be that nanmedian is slow. But I would sincerly be surprised if
> it were slower than python list, except for some pathological cases, or
> maybe a bug in nanmedian. What do your data look like ? (size, number of
> nan, etc...)

I've posted my test code below, which gives me the results:

$ ./arrayspeed3.py
list build time: 0.01
list median time: 0.01
array nanmedian time: 0.36

I must have done something wrong to hobble nanmedian in this way... I'm quite
new to numpy, so feel free to point out any obviously egregious errors.



from numpy import array, nan, inf
from pylab import rand
from time import clock
from scipy.stats.stats import nanmedian

import pdb
_pdb = pdb.Pdb()
breakpoint = _pdb.set_trace

def my_median(vallist):
        num_vals = len(vallist)
        if num_vals % 2 == 1: # odd
                index = (num_vals - 1) / 2
                return vallist[index]
        else: # even
                index = num_vals / 2
                return (vallist[index] + vallist[index - 1]) / 2

numtests = 100
testsize = 100
pointlen = 3

t0 = clock()
natests = rand(numtests,testsize,pointlen)
# have to start with inf because list.remove(nan) doesn't remove nan
natests[natests > 0.9] = inf
tests = natests.tolist()
natests[natests==inf] = nan
for test in tests:
        for point in test:
                if inf in point:
t1 = clock()
print "list build time:", t1-t0

t0 = clock()
allmedians = []
for test in tests:
        medians = [ my_median(x) for x in test ]
t1 = clock()
print "list median time:", t1-t0

t0 = clock()
namedians = []
for natest in natests:
        thismed = nanmedian(natest, axis=1)
t1 = clock()
print "array nanmedian time:", t1-t0

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