On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 4:02 AM, David Warde-Farley <d...@cs.toronto.edu> wrote:
> On 21-Oct-09, at 11:01 AM, Ryan May wrote:
>> ~/.local was added to *be the standard* for easily installing python
>> packages in your user account.  And it works perfectly on the other
>> major OSes, no twiddling of paths anymore.
> I've had a lot of headaches with ~/.local on Ubuntu, actually.
> Apparently Ubuntu has some crazy 'dist-packages' thing going on in
> parallel to site-packages and /usr and /usr/local and its precedence
> is unclear. virtualenv also doesn't know jack about it (speaking of
> which, there's no way to control precedence of ~/.local with
> virtualenv, so I can't use virtualenv to override ~/.local if I want
> to treat "~/.local as the new site-packages").

Ok, so *some* linux distros also choose to break stuff.  I'm noticing
a theme here where OSes that strive for ease end up breaking something
basic.  I'm not saying they all need to drastically change; they just
need to insert their paths *after* ~/.local.  (Thankfully, Gentoo
doesn't get in my way.)


Ryan May
Graduate Research Assistant
School of Meteorology
University of Oklahoma
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