runs 2to3 automatically for all changed files. Of course, if it's 
possible to cater for24 and 3 at the same time,that's good. How do you work 
around the relative imports andthe changed exception catching syntax?

-- alkuper. viesti --
Aihe: Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy on Python3
Lähettäjä: David Cournapeau <>
Päivämäärä: 23.11.2009 08:19

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 2:35 PM, Pauli Virtanen <> wrote:

> It might be nice to have this merged in at some point after 1.4.0 (after
> the most obvious glaring bugs have been fixed), so that we could perhaps
> start aiming for Python3 compatibility in Numpy 1.5.0.

One thing I have on my end is a numpy.distutils which runs under both
python 2 and 3, so that you don't have to run 2to3 everytime you make
a change.

I did not put it in the trunk because I did not want to modify
numpy.distutils for 1.4.0 at this point, but I will include the
changes as soon as I branch the trunk into 1.4.0,

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