Pauli Virtanen wrote:
> runs 2to3 automatically for all changed files.

Yes, but I think it is more practical to have the build process to be 2
and 3-compatible.

>  Of course, if it's possible to cater for24 and 3 at the same time,that's 
> good. How do you work around the relative imports andthe changed exception 
> catching syntax?

For the exception catching, one can have a few utilities to walk through
the stack - I don't remember how I did it for the relative import, but
this was not a pb IIRC.

I am quite disappointed that numscons will not be usable in the
foreseable future for py3k, I hoped it would have been simpler than
numpy.distutils, but porting scons to py3k is too big of a task.


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