On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 2:13 PM, Matthew Brett <matthew.br...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>>> Is it reasonable to summarize that, to avoid confusion, we keep
>>> 'matrix_rank' as the name?
>>> I've edited as Robert suggested, attempting to adopt a more suitable
>>> tone in the docstring...
>> What comes next when someone offers up a useful function like this?
>> We are using an earlier version of in statsmodels and wouldn't mind
>> seeing this in numpy.  Presumably the doctests should be turned into
>> actual tests (noting Robert's comment) to make it more likely that it
>> gets in and an enhancement ticket should be filed?
> I'm happy to write the doctests as tests.   My feeling is there is no
> objection to this function at the moment, so it would be reasonable,
> unless I hear otherwise, to commit to SVN.

Sounds good.  I didn't know you had commit privileges, and I didn't
want to see this get lost in the shuffle.

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