
>> I would highly recommend using this workflow.  Ideally, we should use
>> the same git workflow for all the scipy-related projects.  That way
>> developers can switch between projects without having to switch
>> workflows.  The model that Matthew and Fernando developed for nipy and
>> ipython seem like a very reasonable place to start.
>> __
> I wouldn't. Who is going to be the gate keeper and pull the stuff? No
> vacations for him/her, on 24 hour call, yes? They might as well run a dairy.
> And do we really want all pull requests cross-posted to the list? Linus
> works full time as gatekeeper for Linux and gets paid for the effort. I
> think a central repository model would work better for us.

This is just a gentle request - please - wait - and follow Anne's
advice - we are smart and versatile and we can adapt.

I'm guessing you haven't used git live in a project yet?

I've noticed that - until you have got used to the git / DVCS workflow
- it seems like it would cause problems.   But I strongly encourage
you to read these posts from Joel Spolsky




The links are about mercurial, but apply equally to git.

But the main point is - lots of teams have already switched, and the
teams that have switched, never look back.   I think no-one I know who
has used git seriously for a week or two could imagine going back to
the kind of model we need when using subversion.    It's very
difficult to explain (the posts above are a good attempt) but it's a
very common experience.

See you,

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