On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 5:37 PM, Pierre GM <pgmdevl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sep 29, 2010, at 11:01 PM, Gökhan Sever wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Consider these two simple masked arrays:
>> I[188]: a = np.ma.masked_equal([1,2,3], value=2)
>> I[189]: b = np.ma.masked_equal([4,3,2], value=2)
>> An operation like this voids the mask:
>> I[190]: np.append(a,b)
>> O[190]:
>> masked_array(data = [1 2 3 4 3 2],
>>             mask = False,
>>       fill_value = 999999)
> You're using a standard numpy function on a masked array. It's hardly 
> surprising that you run into some issues. You should use the np.ma 
> equivalent. Except of course that the equivalent doesn't exist yet... Please 
> open a ticket.
> In the mean time, do it manually:
> * combining the .data of each item (masked array) of your list is 
> straightforward
> * repeat for the masks. I advise you to use the getmaskarray function to get 
> the mask of each item, otherwise you may get a `nomask` in the middle which 
> will complicate things
> * combine the the two results in a new masked array.

any of the ma stack array function might also work, or not?


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