On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 6:38 AM, Dr. David Kirkby <david.kir...@onetel.net>wrote:

> On 10/ 6/10 12:49 AM, Pauli Virtanen wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Should we set a date for a bugfix 1.5.1 release? There are some bugs that
> > would be nice to sort out in the 1.5.x series:
> >
> > Any Python versions:
> >
> > - #1605 (Cython vs. PEP-3118 issue: raising exceptions with active
> >           cython buffers caused undefined behavior. Breaks Sage.)
> > - #1617 (Ensure complex(np.longcomplex(...)) doesn't drop the imag part)
> > - Fix doc build
> I'd like to see the 'isfinite' bug in 1.5.1, which is #1625 and has been
> committed I believe.
> Pauli already backported this fix:

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