
2011/7/28 Stéfan van der Walt <ste...@sun.ac.za>:
> On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 10:19 AM, Matthew Brett <matthew.br...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> I don't think anyone suggested that doctests should replace unit
>> tests; it's a bit difficult to see why that discussion started.
> The conversation started because array([True], dtype=bool) changed to
> array([True], dtype='bool') or something along those lines.  A
> reasonable expectation is that eval(repr(x)) should produce x.  An
> unreasonable expectation is to expect the repr string to remain
> exactly the same over versions (as doctest does).
> So, while there seems to be a simple solution in this case, I don't
> think the change was unreasonable or wrong.

I don't think you'll find anyone saying the change was unreasonable or wrong.

It wouldn't really matter if it was, Mark's making a lot of changes,
and if some of them are wrong, that's just how it goes when you change

The thread was first about how to deal with the change, and second
about the tone of Mark's - and I suppose my own - replies.

See you,

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