On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 12:19 PM, Ralf Gommers

> Hi all,
> I am pleased to announce the availability of SciPy 0.10.0. For this
> release over a 100 tickets and pull requests have been closed, and many new
> features have been added. Some of the highlights are:
>   - support for Bento as a build system for scipy
>   - generalized and shift-invert eigenvalue problems in sparse.linalg
>   - addition of discrete-time linear systems in the signal module
> Sources and binaries can be found at , release notes are copied below.
> Enjoy,
> The SciPy developers
> ==========================
> SciPy 0.10.0 Release Notes
> ==========================
> .. contents::
> SciPy 0.10.0 is the culmination of 8 months of hard work. It contains
> many new features, numerous bug-fixes, improved test coverage and
> better documentation.  There have been a limited number of deprecations
> and backwards-incompatible changes in this release, which are documented
> below.  All users are encouraged to upgrade to this release, as there
> are a large number of bug-fixes and optimizations.  Moreover, our
> development attention will now shift to bug-fix releases on the 0.10.x
> branch, and on adding new features on the development master branch.
> Release highlights:
>   - Support for Bento as optional build system.
>   - Support for generalized eigenvalue problems, and all shift-invert modes
>     available in ARPACK.
> This release requires Python 2.4-2.7 or 3.1- and NumPy 1.5 or greater.
> New features
> ============
> Bento: new optional build system
> --------------------------------
> Scipy can now be built with `Bento <http://cournape.github.com/Bento/>`_.
> Bento has some nice features like parallel builds and partial rebuilds,
> that
> are not possible with the default build system (distutils).  For usage
> instructions see BENTO_BUILD.txt in the scipy top-level directory.
> Currently Scipy has three build systems, distutils, numscons and bento.
> Numscons is deprecated and is planned and will likely be removed in the
> next
> release.
> Generalized and shift-invert eigenvalue problems in ``scipy.sparse.linalg``
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The sparse eigenvalue problem solver functions
> ``scipy.sparse.eigs/eigh`` now support generalized eigenvalue
> problems, and all shift-invert modes available in ARPACK.
> Discrete-Time Linear Systems (``scipy.signal``)
> -----------------------------------------------
> Support for simulating discrete-time linear systems, including
> ``scipy.signal.dlsim``, ``scipy.signal.dimpulse``, and
> ``scipy.signal.dstep``,
> has been added to SciPy.  Conversion of linear systems from
> continuous-time to
> discrete-time representations is also present via the
> ``scipy.signal.cont2discrete`` function.
> Enhancements to ``scipy.signal``
> --------------------------------
> A Lomb-Scargle periodogram can now be computed with the new function
> ``scipy.signal.lombscargle``.
> The forward-backward filter function ``scipy.signal.filtfilt`` can now
> filter the data in a given axis of an n-dimensional numpy array.
> (Previously it only handled a 1-dimensional array.)  Options have been
> added to allow more control over how the data is extended before filtering.
> FIR filter design with ``scipy.signal.firwin2`` now has options to create
> filters of type III (zero at zero and Nyquist frequencies) and IV (zero at
> zero
> frequency).
> Additional decomposition options (``scipy.linalg``)
> ---------------------------------------------------
> A sort keyword has been added to the Schur decomposition routine
> (``scipy.linalg.schur``) to allow the sorting of eigenvalues in
> the resultant Schur form.
> Additional special matrices (``scipy.linalg``)
> ----------------------------------------------
> The functions ``hilbert`` and ``invhilbert`` were added to
> ``scipy.linalg``.
> Enhancements to ``scipy.stats``
> -------------------------------
> * The *one-sided form* of Fisher's exact test is now also implemented in
>   ``stats.fisher_exact``.
> * The function ``stats.chi2_contingency`` for computing the chi-square
> test of
>   independence of factors in a contingency table has been added, along with
>   the related utility functions ``stats.contingency.margins`` and
>   ``stats.contingency.expected_freq``.
> Basic support for Harwell-Boeing file format for sparse matrices
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Both read and write are support through a simple function-based API, as
> well as
> a more complete API to control number format. The functions may be found in
> scipy.sparse.io.
> The following features are supported:
>     * Read and write sparse matrices in the CSC format
>     * Only real, symmetric, assembled matrix are supported (RUA format)
> Deprecated features
> ===================
> ``scipy.maxentropy``
> --------------------
> The maxentropy module is unmaintained, rarely used and has not been
> functioning
> well for several releases.  Therefore it has been deprecated for this
> release,
> and will be removed for scipy 0.11.  Logistic regression in scikits.learn
> is a
> good alternative for this functionality.  The
> ``scipy.maxentropy.logsumexp``
> function has been moved to ``scipy.misc``.
> ``scipy.lib.blas``
> ------------------
> There are similar BLAS wrappers in ``scipy.linalg`` and ``scipy.lib``.
>  These
> have now been consolidated as ``scipy.linalg.blas``, and
> ``scipy.lib.blas`` is
> deprecated.
> Numscons build system
> ---------------------
> The numscons build system is being replaced by Bento, and will be removed
> in
> one of the next scipy releases.
> Backwards-incompatible changes
> ==============================
> The deprecated name `invnorm` was removed from
> ``scipy.stats.distributions``,
> this distribution is available as `invgauss`.
> The following deprecated nonlinear solvers from ``scipy.optimize`` have
> been
> removed::
>   - ``broyden_modified`` (bad performance)
>   - ``broyden1_modified`` (bad performance)
>   - ``broyden_generalized`` (equivalent to ``anderson``)
>   - ``anderson2`` (equivalent to ``anderson``)
>   - ``broyden3`` (obsoleted by new limited-memory broyden methods)
>   - ``vackar`` (renamed to ``diagbroyden``)
> Other changes
> =============
> ``scipy.constants`` has been updated with the CODATA 2010 constants.
> ``__all__`` dicts have been added to all modules, which has cleaned up the
> namespaces (particularly useful for interactive work).
> An API section has been added to the documentation, giving recommended
> import
> guidelines and specifying which submodules are public and which aren't.
> Authors
> =======
> This release contains work by the following people (contributed at least
> one patch to this release, names in alphabetical order):
> * Jeff Armstrong +
> * Matthew Brett
> * Lars Buitinck +
> * David Cournapeau
> * FI$H 2000 +
> * Michael McNeil Forbes +
> * Matty G +
> * Christoph Gohlke
> * Ralf Gommers
> * Yaroslav Halchenko
> * Charles Harris
> * Thouis (Ray) Jones +
> * Chris Jordan-Squire +
> * Robert Kern
> * Chris Lasher +
> * Wes McKinney +
> * Travis Oliphant
> * Fabian Pedregosa
> * Josef Perktold
> * Thomas Robitaille +
> * Pim Schellart +
> * Anthony Scopatz +
> * Skipper Seabold +
> * Fazlul Shahriar +
> * David Simcha +
> * Scott Sinclair +
> * Andrey Smirnov +
> * Collin RM Stocks +
> * Martin Teichmann +
> * Jake Vanderplas +
> * Gaƫl Varoquaux +
> * Pauli Virtanen
> * Stefan van der Walt
> * Warren Weckesser
> * Mark Wiebe +
> A total of 35 people contributed to this release.
> People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time.
Congratulations to all. This looks like a nice release.

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