Maybe try stackoverflow, since this isn't really a numpy question.
To run a command like "python arg1 arg2" in a separate process,
you can do:
    p = subprocess.Popen("python arg1 arg2".split())
You can launch many of these, and if you want to know if a process p is
over, you can call p.poll().
I'm sure there are other (and better) options though.

-=- Olivier

2011/12/7 Lou Pecora <>

> I would like to launch python modules or functions (I don't know which is
> easier to do, modules or functions) in separate Terminal windows so I can
> see the output from each as they execute.  I need to be able to pass each
> module or function a set of parameters.  I would like to do this from a
> python script already running in a Terminal window.  In other words, I'd
> start up a "master" script and it would launch, say, three processes using
> another module or a function with different parameter values for each
> launch and each would run independently in its own Terminal window so
> stdout from each process would go to it's own respective window.  When the
> process terminated the window would remain open.
> I've begun to look at subprocess modules, etc., but that's pretty
> confusing. I can do what I say above manually, but it's gotten clumsy as I
> want to run eventually in 12 cores.
> I have a Mac Pro running Mac OS X 10.6.
> If there is a better forum to ask this question, please let me know.
> Thanks for any advice.
> -- Lou Pecora, my views are my own.
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