On 12/13/2011 12:08 PM, Chris Barker wrote:

Let's keep this on the list.

On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 9:19 AM, denis <denis-bz...@t-online.de <mailto:denis-bz...@t-online.de>> wrote:

     unified, consistent save / load is a nice goal

    1) header lines with date, pwd etc.: "where'd this come from ?"

       # (5, 5)  svm.py  bz/py/ml/svm  2011-12-13 Dec 11:56  -- automatic
       # 80.6 % correct -- user info
         245    39     4     5    26

I'm not sure I understand what you are expecting here: What would be automatic? if itparses a datetime on the header, what would it do with it? But anyway, this seems to me:
  - very application specific -- this is for the users code to write
- not what we are talking about at this point anyway -- I think this discussion is about a lower-level, does-the-simple-things-fast reader -- that may or may not be able to form the basis of a higher-level fuller featured reader.

    2) read any CSVs: comma or blank-delimited, with/without column names,
       a la loadcsv() below

yup -- though the column name reading would be part of a higher-level reader as far as I'm concerned.

    3) sparse or masked arrays ?

sparse probably not, that seem pretty domain dependent to me -- though hopefully one could build such a thing on top of the lower level reader. Masked support would be good -- once we're convinced what the future of masked arrays are in numpy. I was thinking that the masked array issue would really be a higher-level feature -- it certainly could be if you need to mask "special value" stype files (i.e. 9999), but we may have to build it into the lower level reader for cases where the mask is specified by non-numerical values -- i.e. there are some met files that use "MM" or some other text, so you can't put it into a numerical array first.

    Longterm wishes: beyond the scope of one file <-> one array
    but essential for larger projects:
    1) dicts / dotdicts:
       Dotdict( A=anysizearray, N=scalar ... ) <-> a directory of little
       is easy, better than np.savez
       (Haven't used hdf5, I believe Matlabv7  does.)

    2) workflows: has anyone there used visTrails ?

outside of the spec of this thread...

    Anyway it seems to me (old grey cynic) that Numpy/scipy developers
    prefer to code first, spec and doc later. Too pessimistic ?

Well, I think many of us believe in a more agile style approach -- incremental development. But really, as an open source project, it's really about scratching an itch -- so there is usually a spec in mind for the itch at hand. In this case, however, that has been a weakness -- clearly a number of us hav written small solutions to our particular problem at hand, but no we haven't arrived at a more general purpose solution yet. So a bit of spec-ing ahead of time may be called for.

On that:

I"ve been thinking from teh botom-up -- imaging what I need for the simple case, and how it might apply to more complex cases -- but maybe we should think about this another way:

What we're talking about here is really about core software engineering -- optimization. It's easy to write a pure-python simple file parser, and reasonable to write a complex one (genfromtxt) -- the issue is performance -- we need some more C (or Cython) code to really speed it up, but none of us wants to write the complex case code in C. So:

genfromtxt is really nice for many of the complex cases. So perhaps another approach is to look at genfromtxt, and see what high performance lower-level functionality we could develop that could make it fast -- then we are done.

This actually mirrors exactly what we all usually recommend for python development in general -- write it in Python, then, if it's really not fast enough, write the bottle-neck in C.

So where are the bottle necks in genfromtxt? Are there self-contained portions that could be re-written in C/Cython?


Reading data is hard and writing code that suits the diversity in the Numerical Python community is even harder!

Both loadtxt and genfromtxt functions (other functions are perhaps less important) perhaps need an upgrade to incorporate the new NA object. I think that adding the NA object will simply some of the process because invalid data (missing or a string in a numerical format) can be set to NA without requiring the creation of a new masked array or returning an error.

Here I think loadtxt is a better target than genfromtxt because, as I understand it, it assumes the user really knows the data. Whereas genfromtxt can ask the data for the appropriatye format.

So I agree that new 'superfast custom CSV reader for well-behaved data' function would be rather useful especially as an replacement for loadtxt. By that I mean reading data using a user specified format that essentially follows the CSV format (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values) - it needs are to allow for NA object, skipping lines and user-defined delimiters.


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