
Just for my own sake, can I clarify what you are saying here?

On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 1:11 PM, Travis Oliphant <tra...@continuum.io> wrote:
>  I'm not a big fan of design-by-committee as I haven't seen it be very 
> successful in creating new technologies.   It is pretty good at enforcing the 
> status-quo.  If I felt like that is what NumPy needed I would be fine with it.

Was it your impression that what was being proposed, was design by committee?

> However, I feel that NumPy is going to be surpassed with other solutions if 
> steps are not taken to improve the code-base *and* add new features.

As far as you are concerned, is there any controversy about that?

> For the next 6-12 months, I am comfortable taking the "benevolent dictator 
> role".   During that time, I hope we can find many more core developers and 
> then re-visit the discussion.  My view is that design decisions should be a 
> consensus based on current contributors to the code base and major users.   
> To continue to be relevant, NumPy has to serve it's customers.   They are the 
> ones who will have the final say.   If others feel like they can do better, a 
> fork is an option.  I don't want that to happen, but it is the only effective 
> and practical "governance" structure that exists in my mind outside of the 
> self-governance of the people that participate.

To confirm, you are saying that you can imagine no improvement in the
current governance structure?

> No organizational structure can make up for the lack of great people putting 
> their hearts and efforts into a great cause.

But you agree that there might be an organizational structure that
would make this harder or easier?


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