The OS X slaves (especially PPC) are very valuable for testing.    We have an 
intern who could help keep the build-bots going if you would give her access to 
those machines. 

Thanks for being willing to offer them. 


On Feb 16, 2012, at 6:36 PM, Matthew Brett wrote:

> Hi,
> On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 4:12 PM, Nathaniel Smith <> wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 11:52 PM, Chris Ball <> wrote:
>>> Buildbot is used by some big projects (e.g. Python, Chromium, and
>>> Mozilla), but I'm aware that several projects in the scientific/numeric
>>> Python ecosystem use Jenkins (including Cython, IPython, and SymPy),
>>> often using a hosted Jenkins solution such as Shining Panda. A difficult
>>> part of running a Buildbot service is finding hardware for the slaves
>>> and keeping them alive, so a hosted solution sounds wonderful (assuming
>>> hosted solutions offer an adequate range of operating systems etc).
>> A quick look at Shining Panda suggests that you get no coverage for
>> anything but Linux, which is a good start but rather limiting. IME by
>> far the most annoying part of a useful buildbot setup is keeping all
>> the build slaves up and working. It's one thing to set up a build
>> environment in one OS, it's quite another to keep like 5 of them
>> working, each on a different volunteered machine where you don't have
>> root and the person who does isn't answering email... the total effort
>> isn't large, but it's really poorly suited to the nature of volunteer
>> labor, because it needs prompt attention at random intervals. (Also,
>> this doesn't become obvious until after one's already gotten
>> everything set up, so then you're stuck limping along because who
>> wants to start over and build something more maintainable...)
>> If anyone has existing sysadmin resources then keeping build-slaves
>> running is a place where they'd be a huge contribution.
> Yup - keeping the slaves running is the big problem.
> We do have various slaves running here that at least are all
> accessible by me, and Jarrod, and (at a pinch) Fernando, Stefan and
> others.
> These are:
> XP (when I'm not using the machine, which is the large majority of the time)
> OSX 10.5
> OSX 10.4 PPC
> Linux 32 bit
> Linux 64 bit
> These are all real machines not virtual machines.  I'm happy to give
> some reliable person ssh access to the buildslave user on these
> machines.  They won't necessarily be available for all time, they are
> dotted around campus doing various jobs like being gateways, project
> machines, occasional desktops.
> See you,
> Matthew
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