On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 4:08 PM, Maggie Mari <maggie.m...@continuum.io>wrote:

> Hello, everyone.
> I work with Travis at Continuum, and he asked me to setup a YouTrack
> server that everyone is welcome to play around with.  There is a test
> project currently set up, with some fake tickets.
> Here is the address:
>     http://ec2-107-21-65-210.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8011/issues
> It's running on an AWS micro instance, so it might be slow at the moment.
> Any feedback or comments would be welcome.
Looks nice, although it will take a little getting used to. It's hard to
tell with these things until you have actually made some use of them. Is it
configurable? I was wondering what sort of feedback you were looking for.
Who will have access to these issues? Is this going to be hosted at

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