On 4/3/12 4:18 PM, Ralf Gommers wrote:
> The bad:
> - Multiple projects are supported, but issues are then really mixed. 
> The way this works doesn't look very useful for combined admin of 
> numpy/scipy trackers.
> - I haven't found a way yet to make versions and subsystems appear in 
> the one-line issue overview.
> - Fixed issues are still shown by default. There are several open 
> issues filed against youtrack about this, with no reasonable answers.
> - Plain text attachments (.txt, .diff, .patch) can't be viewed, only 
> downloaded.
> - No direct VCS integration, only via Teamcity (not set up, so can't 
> evaluate).
> - No useful default views as in Trac 
> (http://projects.scipy.org/scipy/report).
Ralf, I don't know about most of these issues offhand, but it does seem 
like youtrack offers github integration, in the form of being able to 
issue commands to youtrack through git commits (is that the kind of 
integration you are looking for?)



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