
I don't know exactly what went wrong. I'd start out my debugging by 
1) which python # see whether you're running apple's python in /usr/bin/python, 
or the one you tried to install
2) which easy_install # did you run Apple-python's easy_install, or the one you 
(tried to) installed?
3) If all of the above match, try running python (not ipython) and try to 
import numpy. Apple's python ships with numpy (at least the Lion / 10.7 one 
4) Next, print numpy.__file__ to see whether numpy got installed to where it 

In general, I'd advice you to install one package at a time, then test it to 
see whether it has been installed properly. When you're confident everything is 
OK, move on to the next package. For instance, test numpy by
$ python -c 'import numpy; numpy.test()'
and scipy with
$ python -c 'import scipy;scipy.test()'
(for instance).

When you're sure the fundament (python, numpy) is in order, proceed with the 
house (scipy, matplotlib).


On 4. juli 2012, at 16:16, abc def wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm new to python and I'd like to learn about numpy / scipy / matplotlib, but 
> I'm having trouble getting started.
> I'm following the instructions here: http://www.scipy.org/Getting_Started
> First I installed the latest version of python from python.org by downloading 
> the dmg file, since I read that it doesn't work with apple's installer, and 
> then installed numpy / scipy / matplotlib by downloading the relevent dmg 
> files.
> I then downloaded ipython, ran "easy_install readline" and then ran "python 
> setup.py install".
> Then I started ipython with "ipython -pylab" as per the instructions but then 
> I get muliple error messages:
> $ ipython --pylab
> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/utils/rlineimpl.py:111:
>  RuntimeWarning: 
> ******************************************************************************
> libedit detected - readline will not be well behaved, including but not 
> limited to:
>   * crashes on tab completion
>   * incorrect history navigation
>   * corrupting long-lines
>   * failure to wrap or indent lines properly
> It is highly recommended that you install readline, which is easy_installable:
>     easy_install readline
> Note that `pip install readline` generally DOES NOT WORK, because
> it installs to site-packages, which come *after* lib-dynload in sys.path,
> where readline is located.  It must be `easy_install readline`, or to a custom
> location on your PYTHONPATH (even --user comes after lib-dyload).
> ******************************************************************************
>  RuntimeWarning)
> Python 2.7.3 (v2.7.3:70274d53c1dd, Apr  9 2012, 20:52:43) 
> Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> IPython 0.13 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
> ?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
> %quickref -> Quick reference.
> help      -> Python's own help system.
> object?   -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.
> [TerminalIPythonApp] GUI event loop or pylab initialization failed
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/core/pylabtools.pyc
>  in find_gui_and_backend(gui)
>    194     """
>    195 
> --> 196     import matplotlib
>    197 
>    198     if gui and gui != 'auto':
> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py
>  in <module>()
>    131 import sys, os, tempfile
>    132 
> --> 133 from matplotlib.rcsetup import (defaultParams,
>    134                                 validate_backend,
>    135                                 validate_toolbar,
> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/rcsetup.py
>  in <module>()
>     17 import warnings
>     18 from matplotlib.fontconfig_pattern import parse_fontconfig_pattern
> ---> 19 from matplotlib.colors import is_color_like
>     20 
>     21 #interactive_bk = ['gtk', 'gtkagg', 'gtkcairo', 'fltkagg', 'qtagg', 
> 'qt4agg',
> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/colors.py
>  in <module>()
>     50 """
>     51 import re
> ---> 52 import numpy as np
>     53 from numpy import ma
>     54 import matplotlib.cbook as cbook
> ImportError: No module named numpy
> In [1]:  
> it seems the installation of numpy and readline didn't work, and there are 
> problems with matplotlib, even though I think I followed all the instructions 
> carefully.
> I can't figure out what I did wrong. Can anybody help?
> I'm running mac os 10.6.
> Thank you!
> Tom
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