Donations to NumFOCUS would be helpful in raising money to fund the creation of 
64-bit installers.    It always comes down to funding, but mostly people's time 
is the scarce resource here.    

It is more difficult to build 64-bit binaries on Windows which is the real 
issue (not the availability of 64-bit Windows machines -- although the right 
person having access to those machines can be a problem).   

NumFOCUS would gladly donate long-running EC2 instances running Windows 64-bit 
windows if there are people who just need access to a machine. 


On Aug 16, 2012, at 10:51 PM, Sayth Renshaw wrote:

> Hi
> I was just wondering if the current absence of 64bit builds was as a result 
> of an infrastructure or funding concern.
> I like many now have only 64 bit systems and am using the unofficial builds.
> If it was something we could raise funds to resolve, how much? Or is it more 
> complex than that?
> Sayth
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