> >What are your interests and experience? If you use numpy, are there things
> >you would like to fix, or enhancements you would like to see?
> Chuck
 I am an undergraduate student with CS as major and have interest in Math
and Physics. This has led me to use NumPy and SciPy to work on innumerable
cases involving special polynomial functions and polynomials like Legendre
polynomials, Bessel Functions and so on. So, The packages are closer known
to me from this point of view. I have a* few proposals* in mind. But I
don't have any idea if they are acceptable within the scope of GSoC
1. Many special functions and polynomials are neither included in NumPy nor
on SciPy.. These include Ellipsoidal Harmonic Functions (lames function),
Cylindrical Harmonic function. Scipy at present supports only spherical
Harmonic function.
Further, why cant we extend SciPy  to incorporate* Inverse Laplace
Transforms*? At present Matlab has this amazing function *ilaplace* and
SymPy does have *Inverse_Laplace_transform* but it would be better to
incorporate all in one package. I mean SciPy does have function to evaluate
laplace transform

After having written this, I feel that this post should have been sent to
but as a majority of contributors are the same I proceed.
Please suggest any other possible projects, as I would like to continue
with SciPy or NumPy, preferably NumPy as I have been fiddling with its
source code for a month now and so am pretty comfortable with it.

As for my experience, I have known C for past 4 years and have been a
python lover for past 1 year. I am pretty new to open source communities,
started before a manth and a half.

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