I think I wouldn't use anything like @@ often enough to remember it's
meaning. I'd rather see english names for anything that is not **very**

I find A@@-1 pretty ugly compared to inv(A)
A@@(-0.5)  might be nice   (do we have matrix_sqrt ?)


On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 5:11 PM, Stephan Hoyer <sho...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Speaking only for myself (and as someone who has regularly used matrix
> powers), I would not expect matrix power as @@ to follow from matrix
> multiplication as @. I do agree that matrix power is the only reasonable
> use for @@ (given @), but it's still not something I would be confident
> enough to know without looking up.
> We should keep in mind that each new operator imposes some (small)
> cognitive burden on everyone who encounters them for the first time, and,
> in this case, this will include a large fraction of all Python users,
> whether they do numerical computation or not.
> Guido has given us a tremendous gift in the form of @. Let's not insist on
> @@, when it is unclear if the burden of figuring out what @@ means it would
> be worth using, even for heavily numeric code. I would certainly prefer to
> encounter norm(A), inv(A), matrix_power(A, n), fractional_matrix_power(A,
> n) and expm(A) rather than their infix equivalents. It will certainly not
> be obvious which of these @@ will support for objects from any given
> library.
> One useful data point might be to consider whether matrix power is
> available as an infix operator in other languages commonly used for
> numerical work. AFAICT from some quick searches:
> R: No
> IDL: No
> All of these languages do, of course, implement infix matrix
> multiplication, but it is apparently not clear at all whether the matrix
> power is useful.
> Best,
> Stephan
> On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 9:03 AM, Olivier Delalleau <sh...@keba.be> wrote:
>> 2014-03-15 11:18 GMT-04:00 Charles R Harris <charlesr.har...@gmail.com>:
>>> On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 10:32 PM, Nathaniel Smith <n...@pobox.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Here's the second thread for discussion about Guido's concerns about
>>>> PEP 465. The issue here is that PEP 465 as currently written proposes
>>>> two new operators, @ for matrix multiplication and @@ for matrix power
>>>> (analogous to * and **):
>>>>   http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0465/
>>>> The main thing we care about of course is @; I pushed for including @@
>>>> because I thought it was nicer to have than not, and I thought the
>>>> analogy between * and ** might make the overall package more appealing
>>>> to Guido's aesthetic sense.
>>>> It turns out I was wrong :-). Guido is -0 on @@, but willing to be
>>>> swayed if we think it's worth the trouble to make a solid case.
>>>> Note that question now is *not*, how will @@ affect the reception of
>>>> @. @ itself is AFAICT a done deal, regardless of what happens with @@.
>>>> For this discussion let's assume @ can be taken for granted, and that
>>>> we can freely choose to either add @@ or not add @@ to the language.
>>>> The question is: which do we think makes Python a better language (for
>>>> us and in general)?
>>>> Some thoughts to start us off:
>>>> Here are the interesting use cases for @@ that I can think of:
>>>> - 'vector @@ 2' gives the squared Euclidean length (because it's the
>>>> same as vector @ vector). Kind of handy.
>>>> - 'matrix @@ n' of course gives the matrix power, which is of marginal
>>>> use but does come in handy sometimes, e.g., when looking at graph
>>>> connectivity.
>>>> - 'matrix @@ -1' provides a very transparent notation for translating
>>>> textbook formulas (with all their inverses) into code. It's a bit
>>>> unhelpful in practice, because (a) usually you should use solve(), and
>>>> (b) 'matrix @@ -1' is actually more characters than 'inv(matrix)'. But
>>>> sometimes transparent notation may be important. (And in some cases,
>>>> like using numba or theano or whatever, 'matrix @@ -1 @ foo' could be
>>>> compiled into a call to solve() anyway.)
>>>> (Did I miss any?)
>>>> In practice it seems to me that the last use case is the one that's
>>>> might matter a lot practice, but then again, it might not -- I'm not
>>>> sure. For example, does anyone who teaches programming with numpy have
>>>> a feeling about whether the existence of '@@ -1' would make a big
>>>> difference to you and your students? (Alan? I know you were worried
>>>> about losing the .I attribute on matrices if switching to ndarrays for
>>>> teaching -- given that ndarray will probably not get a .I attribute,
>>>> how much would the existence of @@ -1 affect you?)
>>>> On a more technical level, Guido is worried about how @@'s precedence
>>>> should work (and this is somewhat related to the other thread about
>>>> @'s precedence and associativity, because he feels that if we end up
>>>> giving @ and * different precedence, then that makes it much less
>>>> clear what to do with @@, and reduces the strength of the */**/@/@@
>>>> analogy). In particular, if we want to argue for @@ then we'll need to
>>>> figure out what expressions like
>>>>    a @@ b @@ c
>>>> and
>>>>    a ** b @@ c
>>>> and
>>>>    a @@ b ** c
>>>> should do.
>>>> A related question is what @@ should do if given an array as its right
>>>> argument. In the current PEP, only integers are accepted, which rules
>>>> out a bunch of the more complicated cases like a @@ b @@ c (at least
>>>> assuming @@ is right-associative, like **, and I can't see why you'd
>>>> want anything else). OTOH, in the brave new gufunc world, it
>>>> technically would make sense to define @@ as being a gufunc with
>>>> signature (m,m),()->(m,m), and the way gufuncs work this *would* allow
>>>> the "power" to be an array -- for example, we'd have:
>>>>    mat = randn(m, m)
>>>>    pow = range(n)
>>>>    result = gufunc_matrix_power(mat, pow)
>>>>    assert result.shape == (n, m, m)
>>>>    for i in xrange(n):
>>>>        assert np.all(result[i, :, :] == mat ** i)
>>>> In this case, a @@ b @@ c would at least be a meaningful expression to
>>>> write. OTOH it would be incredibly bizarre and useless, so probably
>>>> no-one would ever write it.
>>>> As far as these technical issues go, my guess is that the correct rule
>>>> is that @@ should just have the same precedence and the same (right)
>>>> associativity as **, and in practice no-one will ever write stuff like
>>>> a @@ b @@ c. But if we want to argue for @@ we need to come to some
>>>> consensus or another here.
>>>> It's also possible the answer is "ugh, these issues are too
>>>> complicated, we should defer this until later when we have more
>>>> experience with @ and gufuncs and stuff". After all, I doubt anyone
>>>> else will swoop in and steal @@ to mean something else! OTOH, if e.g.
>>>> there's a strong feeling that '@@ -1' will make a big difference in
>>>> pedagogical contexts, then putting that off for years might be a
>>>> mistake.
>>> I don't have a strong feeling either way on '@@' . Matrix inverses are
>>> pretty common in matrix expressions, but I don't know that the new operator
>>> offers much advantage over a function call. The positive integer powers
>>> might be useful in some domains, as others have pointed out, but
>>> computational practice one would tend to factor the evaluation.
>>> Chuck
>> Personally I think it should go in, because:
>> - it's useful (although marginally), as in the examples previously
>> mentioned
>>  - it's what people will expect
>> - it's the only reasonable use of @@ once @ makes it in
>> As far as the details about precedence rules and what not... Yes, someone
>> should think about them and come up with rules that make sense, but since
>> it will be pretty much only be used in unambiguous situations, this
>> shouldn't be a blocker.
>> -=- Olivier
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