On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 4:02 PM, cjw <c...@ncf.ca> wrote:

> to overhaul the matrix class
> to make it more attractive for numerical linear algebra(?)
>  +1

Sure -- though I don't know that this actually has anyting to do with
braodcasting -- unless the idea is that Matrices would be broadcastable?

But anyway, the Matrix class leaves a lot to be desired. Enough, in fact,
that most of us don't recommend using it at all. There has been a bunch of
discussion on this list in the past about what could be done to make it
better. But the real blocker is that no-one that actually develops numpy
itself used them, or has  need for them. The strongest use-case seems to be
for teaching that involves linear algebra concepts, not real production

Also -- it's proven to be really hard to write sub-classes of ndarray that
work consistently and well -- you tend to keep accidentally getting raw
arrays back... So maybe it can't really be done well at all?


> I hope that this will be explored.  @ could still be used by those who
> wish remain in the array world.
> Colin W.
> Cheers,
> Stefan
> *Gesendet:* Sonntag, 08. Februar 2015 um 23:52 Uhr
> *Von:* "Nathaniel Smith" <n...@pobox.com> <n...@pobox.com>
> *An:* "Discussion of Numerical Python" <numpy-discussion@scipy.org> 
> <numpy-discussion@scipy.org>
> *Betreff:* Re: [Numpy-discussion] Silent Broadcasting considered harmful
> On 8 Feb 2015 13:04, "Stefan Reiterer" <dom...@gmx.net> <dom...@gmx.net> 
> wrote:
>  >
>  > So I suggest that the best would be to throw warnings when arrays get
> Broadcasted like
>  > Octave do. Python warnings can be catched and handled, that would be a 
> great
> benefit.
>  >
>  > Another idea would to provide warning levels for braodcasting, e.g
>  > 0 = Never, 1=Warn once, 2=Warn always, 3 = Forbid aka throw exception,
>  > with 0 as default.
>  > This would avoid breaking other code, and give the user some control over
> braodcasting.
> Unfortunately adding warnings is a non-starter for technical reasons, even
> before we get into the more subjective debate about ideal API design: issuing 
> a
> warning is extremely slow (relative to typical array operations), EVEN IF the
> warning is disabled. (By the time you can figure out it's disabled, it's too
> late.) So this would cause massive slowdowns in existing code.
> Note also that in numpy, even simple expressions like '2 * arr' rely on
> broadcasting. Do you really want warnings for all these cases?
> -n
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