On 2015-09-21 22:15:55, Bryan Van de Ven <bry...@continuum.io> wrote:
> Beyond that, what (even in a broad sense) is an example of a goal that
> "Continuum might need" that would conceivably do detriment to the
> NumPy community? That it be faster? Simpler to maintain? Easier to
> extend? Integrate better with more OS projects? Attract new active
> developers? Receive more financial support? Grow its user base even
> more?

I don't know how productive it is to dream up examples, but it's not
very hard to do.  Currently, e.g., the community is not ready to adopt
numba as part of the ufunc core.  But it's been stated by some that,
with so many people running Conda, breaking the ABI is of little
consequence.  And then it wouldn't be much of a leap to think that numba
is an acceptable dependency.

There's a broad range of Continuum projects that intersect with what
NumPy does: numba, DyND, dask and Odo to name a few.  Integrating them
into NumPy may make a lot more sense for someone from Continuum than for
other members of the community.

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