Hi Brian

On 2015-09-21 23:28:48, Bryan Van de Ven <bry...@continuum.io> wrote:
>> very hard to do.  Currently, e.g., the community is not ready to adopt
>> numba as part of the ufunc core.  But it's been stated by some that,
> Who are you speaking for? The entire community? Under what mandate?

I am speaking on behalf of myself, under no mandate.

> The current somewhat concrete proposal I am aware of involves funding
> cleaning up dtypes. Is there another concrete, credible proposal to
> make Numba a dependency of NumPy that you can refer to? If not, why
> are we mired in hypotheticals?

I'm sorry if I misunderstood, but I thought you wanted us to explore
hypothetical confictual situations.

> May? Can you elaborate? More speculation. My own position is that
> these projects want to integrate with NumPy, not the
> converse. Regardless of my opinion, can you actually make any specific
> arguements, one way or the otehr? What if if some integrations
> actually make more sense for the community? Is this simply a dogmatic
> ideological position that anything whatsoever that benefits both NumPy
> and Continuum simultaneously is bad, on principle? That's fine, as
> such, but let's make that position explicit if that's all it is.

No, I don't have such a dogmatic ideological position.  I think,
however, that it is somewhat unimaginative to propose that there are no
potential conflicts whatsoever.

I am happy if we can find solutions that benefit both numpy and any
company out there.  But in the end, I'm sure you'd agree that we want
the decisions that lead to such solutions to be taken in the best
interest of the project, and not be weighed by alterior motivations of
any sorts.  In the end, even the *perception* that that is not the case
can be very harmful.

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